<iframe src=""></iframe>
saigo ox
Original Message:
Sent: Fri September 20, 2024 06:54 AM
From: nitin sarkar
Subject: Cognos Javascript
hi i want javascript solution.
nitin sarkar
Original Message:
Sent: Thu September 19, 2024 01:18 AM
From: Subhasish Panda
Subject: Cognos Javascript
Hi Jacob,
It sounds like you might need to enable access to Cognos via the API gateway or ensure that the necessary libraries or services are running on the server side. I would recommend checking the Cognos configuration settings in the administrative portal and confirming that JavaScript API access is enabled. Additionally, ensure that the appropriate permissions are granted for the user or application calling the Cognos object. You might also want to verify that there are no browser-related security settings blocking the script from loading.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 17, 2024 04:54 PM
From: Valley IT Department
Subject: Cognos Javascript
Hello All,
I am having an issue when I attempt to call the Cognos object in JavaScript. It is failing to load. Is there a place where I need to enable it on the administrative side?
Jacob Hulbert
Valley IT Department