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🚀 Becoming a Data & AI Researcher in 2023: Your Quick Guide 🧠

  • 1.  🚀 Becoming a Data & AI Researcher in 2023: Your Quick Guide 🧠

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sun August 20, 2023 10:35 AM

    Hey everyone! 🌟

    As we dive deeper into 2023, Data Science and AI continue to evolve, offering endless research opportunities. If you've ever thought about diving into AI research, here's a brief roadmap to guide your journey:

    1. Basics First:

      • Master the trifecta: Mathematics 📊, Computer Science 💻, and Domain Knowledge 🌍.
    2. Pick Your Niche:

      • From Explainable AI and Quantum Machine Learning to Neuro-AI and Federated Learning, the possibilities are vast and thrilling! ⚡
    3. Tools of the Trade:

      • Stay updated with programming in Python, data management tools, and experiment tracking systems like MLflow or TensorBoard.
    4. Never Stop Learning:

      • Subscribe to top AI journals, attend webinars, and be active in conferences. Knowledge is power, especially in our field! 📚
    5. Get Your Hands Dirty:

      • Work on personal projects, secure internships, or collaborate with research institutions.
    6. Shout It Out:

      • Publish your work, and network. Remember, the AI community thrives on shared knowledge and collaboration! 🤝
    7. Ethics Above All:

      • Let's ensure our AI contributions are responsible, fair, and bias-free. Our work can shape the future, so let's make it a bright one! ☀️
    8. Higher Education?:

      • A Ph.D. might just be your ticket to deeper research avenues and elite positions. 🎓

    Remember, the journey of a researcher is filled with learning, challenges, and exciting discoveries. Dive in with passion and keep the flame of curiosity burning bright. 🔥

    Happy researching, everyone! 💡

    Youssef Sbai Idrissi
    Software Engineer