IBM MaaS360

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  • 1.  Locking down corporate devices

    Posted Mon February 10, 2020 11:16 AM
    Hi All

    I am very new to MaaS and have the job of locking down corporate owned devices, I have a work profile configured which pushes all our required apps.  Is it possible to lock down the personal profile on the phone so the work profile is the only profile available ?  I want to stop end users installing apps from google play or making changes within settings but when I lock both google play and settings down it stops anyone from doing anything on the phone. 

    Also, has anyone done any training that has helped them better understand how to use MaaS ?


    Mark Casemore

  • 2.  RE: Locking down corporate devices

    Posted Mon February 10, 2020 11:57 AM
    Hi Mark,

    you can opt for a couple of options depending on device type:
    • for Android, you can enroll devices in Device Owner mode ( and then use the settings in the Android MDM policy (Android Enterprise settings section).
    • for iOS you can enroll using Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and the supervised option (

    You can find updated content, release notes, guides on MaaS360 at the following link:

    On the IBM Security learning academy, you can find a variety of training videos and tutorials on MaaS360:

    Francesco Censi
    MaaS360 technical sales leader - Europe

  • 3.  RE: Locking down corporate devices

    Posted Mon November 20, 2023 08:12 AM

    Securing corporate devices is paramount. Implement robust measures like password policies, encryption, and biometric authentication. Regularly update antivirus software and deploy firewalls to prevent unauthorized access. Restrict USB ports and install endpoint protection. Educate employees on cybersecurity best practices to minimize potential threats. Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with security protocols, safeguarding sensitive corporate data and maintaining a secure digital environment.

    Jure Teo

  • 4.  RE: Locking down corporate devices

    Posted Wed November 22, 2023 06:35 AM

    Hi Mark

    Just to add to my colleague Francesco's comments. 

    For Android devices - You may wish to use the App Compliance part of the Android Enterprise policy where you can enable or disable specific system apps and standard apps such as the Google apps (Play, Chrome etc). In addition there is an Accounts section where you can specify or prevent specific domains allowed for example for personal accounts. 

    Regarding training, the Security Learning Academy will be sunset at the end of this year, it's being replaced with the (global) IBM Training Portal which you can find at: 

    In addition to this we have created a series of training webinars to specifically help you get set up quickly and easily. This is called the Tech Intro series and is available at the following link:

    Please note that these links require IBMid which you are probably already using to log into the Community. 

    If you ever have issues with the IBMid you can verify and reset password:

    Best regards

    Eamonn O'Mahony
    Technical Client Success Manager
    IBM Security
    Dublin, Ireland