You are probably putting everything in your bar file then. Not just those couple of items.
Can you put them in an application inside your workspace and build that applications?
Original Message:
Sent: Thu September 28, 2023 11:54 AM
From: madhu ram
Subject: Issue while deploying shared library with subflow
I have subflows and the java files associated with it.Thanks for the reply.I tried to create the bar using mqsicreate bar but the bar size is too big that my workspace gets corrupted .I am trying to understamd what i am doing wrong.Any suggestion on this?.
madhu ram
Original Message:
Sent: Wed September 27, 2023 01:31 AM
From: Matthias Blomme
Subject: Issue while deploying shared library with subflow
Hi Madhu
What independent resources do you have?
If it is the jar and subflow, why not just put in in an application to start with?
Matthias Blomme
Original Message:
Sent: Mon September 25, 2023 11:40 PM
From: madhu ram
Subject: Issue while deploying shared library with subflow
Hello Team,
Need your help
I have a msgflow in ACE which is referencing a shared library with subflow and .java files.
I have a requirement where I need to containerize the broker apps..
The dockerfile has the
- ibmintpackage bar command to build the bar for the main flow.
- ibmintdeploy command to deploy to target Integration server in openshift.
The result
1.I have the bar files for both the subflow(with the .jar) and the main flow deployed in server
2.The issue is with the integrationserver optimizing command in the dockerfile
ibmint optimize server --work-dir /home/aceuser/ace-server
BIP1380E: The integration server has detected independent resources in work directory '/home/aceuser/ace-server/run' but no default application name has been specified on server start-up.
3.I have already included the default application name where the independent resources has to be deployed using the IntegrationServer command .
Request your help on this
madhu ram