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 Parse received Events to Instana

  • Alerting
Sameh shoaip's profile image
Sameh shoaip posted Mon December 16, 2024 07:32 AM


We Integrate Instana with another monitoring system so we receive events in Events page.

Using REST API : 


The received events as you can see show only Title and On plus the time info , which not enough to view in this page and we have to click on the event row to get the needed info, while this row has many dynamic info fro each row ...

We send the event with many info we want i .

We need to Parse this description and get those peaces to be shown in the Event Page directly in Event list,  without need to go for each event.

as you see ... the events come with title Event and On the Event page 

And the event already has info we need to show as shown:

So how can we parse the description and get the needed info to be shown in for each event in Event pgae?

Israel Ochoa's profile image
Israel Ochoa

Hi Sameh,

Here you can find how this Instana feature works:

The information you see in the UI is controlled on what you're sending to the API in Title and Text (aka Description)

So, from your server you need to send something like this:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:42699/com.instana.plugin.generic.event -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title":"server1_Memory 17% physical memory used 1:27PM 12/15/24", "text": "HERE goes the complete description as the screenshot", "duration": 60000, "severity": 5}'

Not sure if your other monitoring software can do the parsing (or customize the payload) and then send the information you need to Instana, this because Instana just expects that information only.

Hope this helps.