z/OSMF Guild 26 Q&A

z/OSMF Guild 26 Q&A 

Thu February 22, 2024 02:23 PM


Can we download a new CICS release through the z/OSMF ?


Yes, CICS can be ordered in Shopz as a portable software instance (ServerPac) which you can then download and install using z/OSMF. It may be even easier to install once you define a software instance for your current CICS release.


Is there a step to delete the order/package from the zfs filesystem after product is successfully installed?


We currently do not have an option to delete the Portable Software Instances from the file system.


Wouldn't z/OSMF pick up any changes to the SMP/E libraries even if they are made outside of z/OSMF?


Yes, z/OSMF will pick up changes to, for example, data sets, even if those changes are made outside of z/OSMF.


Can you receive HOLDDATA from z/OSMF? Can it be done automatically, on demand or on a scheduled basis?


There is currently no option to receive HOLDDATA using z/OSMF. IBM’s recommended best practice for obtaining HOLDDATA is to use SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER on a regular cadence.


If you can't receive HOLDDATA using z/OSMF, then you still need SMP/E outside of z/OSMF.


We don't have "RECEIVE" for HOLDDATA in z/OSMF today, but it is a well known and recognized requirement. You can vote here on it: https://ibm-z-hardware-and-operating-systems.ideas.ibm.com/ideas/ZOS-I-1931

IBM recommends you automate RECEIVE ORDER today, so that you don't need this support in z/OSMF immediately, as automation of RECEIVE ORDER is used heavily in the industry already.


Regarding installing z/OS V2.5 or V3.1 we have no options than not using z/OSMF with Serverpac, is that correct?


If you order ServerPac, it *must* be installed with z/OSMF - no other choice. The other option is CBPDO, where you do all the SMP/E work yourself. Those are the only two choices for about 2 years now.


Is there any danger in adding all your CSIs to Software Management? Adding the CSI does not change the CSI or make it so SMPE can't use it, right?


No danger in adding all your CSIs to Software Management.


You cannot install an FMID or product to an existing SMP/e using z/OSMF, correct? You would need to install it in an existing SMP/e via CBPDO?


I think you are describing another requirement, which is also well recognized : https://ibm-z-hardware-and-operating-systems.ideas.ibm.com/ideas/ZOS-I-2828

This is actually the top vote getter today in z/OSMF SM. Yes, are you right, until we have the requirement satisified, you will need to use CBPDO if you want to put a new FMID in an existing Software Instance.


Is there something to do the accept check and accept or still outside? Because I would hate a pe coming out after it is deployed everywhere and has caused smpe nightmares in the past


Kurt is talking about Software Management, were the products are already pre-installed. No APPLY or ACCEPT in the use case he is talking about in Software Management. Maybe you are thinking of Software Update - which today does APPLY of fixes. Software Update does not do ACCEPT today.


Is using Z/OSMF an all or nothing use or can we use it piece meal and it will still be accurate? For example: we use it to install CICS, then to deploy maintenance we run BATCH jobs.


You can use z/OSMF Software Management to initially install a product, and after that deployment in Software Management is done, you can use that installed software anyway you want... both from z/OSMF or not from z/OSMF (perhaps, with your own local traditional deployment tools). Just like you did with the prior ServerPac. You have the target, dlibs, CSI, ... so you can clone or deploy them inside z/OSMF again, or outside of z/OSMF - your choice. Of course, if you don't want to maintain your own local deployment tools anymore, you might want to use z/OSMF to do those subsequent deployments, but it is your choice.


Any chance that a filter could be added to "Configure Deployment" to filter on LLQ. (low-level qualifier). It is easy to change HLQ however LLQ not so much. We use volser as LLQ in ZFS datasets and have clients w/ 15-20 ZFS. I eneded up manually updating each of the ZFS. If this feature is available, please enlighten as "how-to". thank u


We have not heard this request yet. Sounds like a reasonable request for a new IDEA.



Will z/OSMF still accurately display what we did from Batch?


You can use z/OSMF for install and after that use batch jobs for maintenance. But, as Kurt explained, there are many features in z/OSMF Software Update function that would help with applying maintenance through z/OSMF.  z/OSMF queries the SMPCSI, so it will know the current state.


Is the SMP/E DB will remain in the future in the z/OSMF Software management? Does the CSI will remain in the future in the ZOSMF software installation?


z/OSMF queries the SMPCSI data sets to understand SMP/E information, so yes, the SMPCSI will remain in use and important, even in the presence of z/OSMF Software Management.


Can you quickly comment on ISV adoption beyond IBM and Broadcom?


IBM has been encouraging other software vendors to adopt z/OSMF Software Management for quite a while, but it is not IBM’s place to comment on their specific plans. IBM encourages you to reach out to your favorite vendors and ask them about their adoption plans.