I see Broadcom is releasing a plug in but need a product sysview.. is that plug in going to be released by IBM directly too? I thought it had the receive order potential for ZOSMF which was the part we would like to do where Software update could pull in maintenance vs outside ZOSMF. Is IBM developing any similar plugins? ie: to review ptf's by severity and release date and receive maintenance directly from a vendor?
No, IBM will not be releasing Broadcom's plugin. We have some plans for enhancements to Software Update, but not the complete set of views apparently in the new Broadcom plugin. Adding support for RECEIVE ORDER is also in our backlog, but its a little further out.
Does the client need to buy the change tracker license? Or it comes as a z/OSMF feature?
Yes z/OS Change Tracker is a seperatly priced feature that requires a license
Does zOSMF replace the CSI once added? Can we continue to use the CSI with SMPe and will zOSMF continue to update it?
z/OSMF maintains the SMP/E CSI data sets. You can use both z/OSMF Software Update and your own existing methods for installing PTFs and such. z/OSMF Software Update invokes SMP/E under the covers.
Are there substantial differences between Java 11 and Semeru 11? It sounds like they’re interchangeable.
They are the same. Semeru is the name for Java 11.
Does that mean that after (un)planned fallback from 3.1 to 2.x it is not possible to start z/OSMF (JAVA_HOME) w/o manual intervention
1. You will have to configure each correctly. You can have a sysplex with mixed levels of z/OS.
2. Normally /usr/lpp/java/current_64 is a symlink to Java 8 and in z/OS 3.1 then to Java 11 so there should be no manual intervention.
3. Defining a system symbol for JAVA_HOME in z/OSMF PARMLIB could be a soluation for 3.1 2.x....Of course, we can follow it offline
Would it be preduent to install semeru 11 under 2.5 and get zosmf using it ahead of moving to 3.1, where it no longer runs under java8?
No, z/OSMF 2.5 will not run using Java 11. z/OSMF 2.5 runs with Java 8 only, and z/OSMF 3.1 runs with Semeru (Java 11) only.
Is ZOSMF GUI editor meant for general audience as potential replacement for TSO/ISPF editor for broader user audience (say development community) or is meant solely for use by system administrators? If not is there a preferred GUI mainframe editor for broader user community that uses TSO/ISPF? (possibly Zowe?)
z/OSMF Desktop editor is for general audience, not only for system programmers.
So to go to z/OS 3.1, you really have to migrate to Java 11 at the same time ?
z/OS 3.1 components, like z/OSMF, require Semeru (Java 11). You may have other products or your own applications which continue to run with Java 8. That is perfectly acceptable.
Will there be a favorite/bookmark capability to save search patterns?
We don’t have that exact capability today, but we encourage you to open a requirement. There might be a workaround that will fit your needs- we save historic patterns, so if you enter a prefix, z/OSMF will search for the matched patterns in the historic records.
Poll Q:
What other File and Data set Function would you like us to support in z/OSMF?
Poll A:
In edit mode – would be nice to be able to do “find all” with exclude lines, etc.
Poll A:
Duplicate member
Poll A:
External transfer, I want to upload a file to a vendor or IBM
Poll A:
Pax and unpax for USS, also terse and unterse for z/OS data sets
Poll A:
+1 on above
Poll A:
Honestly, not specifically to just the ISPF/SDSF in z/OSMF, but any modern app should have a dark theme from the start, to at least make the background dark mode instead of white.
Poll A:
more than 1 Dataset/file search instance?
Poll A:
I second the multi dataset/file search; in addition allow multiple windows
Poll A:
I'd like the ability to compare symbols, APF auth, and Linklist among multiple LPARs - something that highlights the differences… and parmlib.
As Kyndryls – how are we dealing with Zowe to interface with z/OSMF for our customers
Zowe interfaces with z/OSMF through REST APIs, it should be impacted by Java version, although Zowe run on Java 8
Is the AICI plugin available to enable with a specific PTF on z/OS v2.5?
So far AICI is only available in z/OS 3.1. We don’t have plan to rollback it to 2.5 yet.
For you sysplex guys/girls. This sysplex plugin change my life. It is so much better then keeping up with some JCL in a PDSE member that has everything there.
Are you planning to change File Search to DSN level as on ISPF? This would be very helpful.
It is File and Data Set Search, so it supports both.
lets me clarify: there's no way to search on DSN lelel, only on DSN(module) lvl.
We do not have that exact capability today, but it’s in our backlog. Please open an idea if you’re interested.
(We do support the ability to search datasets with pattern on the desktop window. If the dataset is a partitioned dataset, when you enter in the partitioned dataset we display the member list for that dataset, and from there you can user the filter function to quickly narrow down the list of members based on your input. )
Will AICI use SCA to set up security definitions?
You can find AICI related security requirements in SCA and validate the requirements for your user id. For AICI, you don’t need to import any JSON file to SCA, the security requirements are in z/OSMF by default.
Is zMSC a free freature?
Yes, zMSC is not priced.
I see that different zOSMF APARs are delivering *very* usefiul functions/technoligies - can z/OSMF (itself) display a catalog of zOSMF APARs? I don't have to hunt them down. Can zOSMF show a catalog of zOSMF APARs, so I don’t have to hunt them down? If I had my choice - it would be wonderful to have zOSMF show if a technology has not been installed and show the APAR/PTF required to implement the feature/technology; (instead of having to search/research different sites - assuming one can figure out the sites to search). Thanks
It is not supported yet. But you can find the recent delivered z/OSMF APARs on z/OSMF One Stop Hub : https://ibm.github.io/zOSMF/ and z/OSMF APARs https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ibm-zos-management-facility-zosmf
The idea of having one clear z/OSMF APAR listing is a good one (that I can filter by plugin, search, etc). We are going to take a look at this from within z/OSMF itself or even as part of the Guild Community Website.
Hello for RACF we will have the possibility to extract data from it ? like User access ?/ Can I get more information about the RACF Rest API that QI LI spoke about; was it on a previous guild
We don’t have RACF REST APIs in z/OSMF. You might be referring to this SCA Guilf (RACF Rest API) https://community.ibm.com/community/user/ibmz-and-linuxone/viewdocument/zosmf-guild-session-10-august-17?CommunityKey=1ca674e5-aada-4194-a16e-059cafe7b807&tab=librarydocuments
So is “Curl” Unix command going to be integrated into ZOS USS in 3.1 or any plans to integrate as APAR/PTF in ZOS 2.5? Is this on roadmap at all?
There are no plans to ship CURL in z/OS
where I can find info with some exampels on how to use REST API instead of the 300 pages in the info center?
zosmfurl/ zosmf/api/explorer/#/