Guild 18 Q&A from chat

Guild 18 Q&A from chat 

Mon June 05, 2023 05:31 PM

Q: Can you export this report to a local PC CSV file and/or to host dataset/USS?

A: Yes. You can export the data on the UI in the CSV file format.

Q: So, just to confirm ... The Toolkit plugin is only available to Broadcom Software customers, and is delivered as part of the CA-Common Services product. Is that correct?

A: Yes, Software Toolkit is available to Braodcom customers only and is delivered as part of Mainframe Essentials

Q: Can the ++HOLD or ++VER MCS for a particular received PTF be viewed in the GUI

A: Yes can you give the ++hold and CSI details for each PTF. You just click on the SYSMOD and than click on view details

Q: How do I obtain the Mainframe Essentials to get Toolkit?

A: When the plugin is released, you will be able to find it on the broadcom support portal, in the additional downloads section for all products

Q: Can the export be done to the host direct, not to local laptop?

A: You can only export to local laptop only.

Q: As of today (Tue, 16 May 2023), all IBM product orders initiated from Shopz will be digitally signed using SMP/E's GIMZIP package signing capability. This includes both Portable Software Instance (ServerPac)

and CBPDO orders. The signed packages are completely compatible with exiting acquisition and download processes, so no changes are required on the consumer's end, but if you want to exploit the new capability

and verify the digital signatures check out the information here: When will Broadcom deliver digitally signed products like IBM?

A: Broadcom has started research on the digitally signing of the package. We are working closely with IBM. We did not have a date as to when this will be avialable

Q: Is it possible to do more advanced software management functions, such as SMP/E RESTORE? SMP/E RECEIVE (and RECEIVE FROMNETWORK/RECEIVE ORDER) is not available to do from z/OSMF. Are the plans to include this function in the future?

A: Yes, adding function in z/OSMF Software Update to initiate a RECEIVE operation is on our list of desired future enhancements. Having said that, we believe the best practice is to automate running SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER on a regular basis.

Q: If z/OSMF is not using ATTLS, how can you check the connection is secure?

A: Check the URL in the browser. The URL should start with https:// 

Q: Is it recommended to use z/OSMF under ATTLS?

A: No, it’s not recommended. z/OSMF only supports HTTPS. The only use case I know of for using z/OSMF under ATTLS is if you are using network configuration assistant and are using NCA’s FTP client to install configuration files. In that case AT-TLS can be used to secure the FTP transfers from the z/OSMF server. z/OSMF uses Java SSL encryption by default, enabling AT-TLS can result in unexpected java exceptions

Q: Can the diagnostic agent be triggered from the console via F IZUSVR1,xxx command line for example? If you have problems with the GUI you may not be able to get to that page.

A: Diagnostic Assistant is now only available from UI. However, if you want to change the log/trace level, you can issue F IZUSVR1,logging=’NEW_LOG_SETTINGS’ </Lizhi>

Q: I’ve observed that if you are using Java 11 on 2.4 or 2.5 the symptom is that z/OSMF starts but browsers can’t connect

A: z/OSMF doesn’t support Java 11 on 2.5 and 2.4.

Q: z/OSMF diagnostic: how to change the trace level? In the in z/OSMF doc it is not clear.

A: If you want to change the log/trace level, you can issue F IZUSVR1,logging=’NEW_LOG_SETTINGS’  It’s documented on this this page . Traditionally, it’s IBM service team will guide you to setup proper trave level when necessary. z/OSMF Diagnostic Assistant simplifies that because you don’t need to figure out what package level you need to set tracing level for. You only need to select the plugin name and target tracing level.

Q: Does SCA work with ACF2?

A: Yes, SCA is based on SAF, therefore, same UX for all security products. SCA works for RACF/TopSecrete/ACF2/ etc.

Q: Sometimes I need to change the trace level for the server itself, not the plugin.

A: To enable server trace level, use trace settings “*=info|fine|finer|finest|all”. Liberty has its own package. For instance to change Liberty security trace, use settings “*=finest”