Getting started with z/OS Connect Designer

Getting started with z/OS Connect Designer 

Fri May 26, 2023 07:10 AM

Get started today and download the z/OS Connect Designer by following the instructions on this page: Download z/OS Connect Designer and the easy to follow videos that can be found here.  

The z/OS Connect Designer is a container-based web low-code UI tool that offers a wide set of capabilities s
upporting enterprise standard OpenAPI 3.0 specification APIs. It includes a built-in isolated development server for iterative development and testing and enables complex mapping between the API schemas and the z/OS application and data interfaces through the use of JSONata.  For more information about JSONata, see What is JSONata?. For more information about mapping between the API schemas and z/OS Assets in IBM® z/OS Connect Designer, see Mapping your API and z/OS Assets.

The z/OS Connect documentation has some easy to follow, "how-to" Getting Started tutorials on 

Creating a CICS z/OS Connect API - this Getting Started tutorial also has a video series to accompany it which can be found here.
Creating a Db2 z/OS Connect API
Creating an IMS z/OS Connect API

There is also a "how-to" Getting Started tutorial "Creating and updating OpenAPI 3 documents for z/OS Connect" that can be found here in addition to the accompanying video series that can be found here.

For more information about z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3, see the z/OS Connect document here.

