2023-11-15 Apache Kafka on IBM Z - Performance Experiences, Hints and Tips

2023-11-15 Apache Kafka on IBM Z - Performance Experiences, Hints and Tips 

Thu November 16, 2023 09:47 AM

You want to know how to unlock the true potential of Apache Kafka on Linux on IBM Z?
Then this session is for you. The presentation focuses on experiences the System Performance Team has made while analyzing Kafka on IBM Z.
This includes hands-on hints and tips for improving the performance of Apache Kafka drastically when implemented on Linux on IBM Z / IBM LinuxONE. In our study, we were able to achieve a 10x performance improvement compared to an out-of-the-box installation.

pdf file
Apache_Kafka_on_IBM_Z_V11.pdf   727 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Thu November 16, 2023