2022-06-30 Preparing for Quantum Safe Cryptography with IBM Z16

2022-06-30 Preparing for Quantum Safe Cryptography with IBM Z16 

Mon July 18, 2022 11:58 AM

Presented at the 2022 Client Workshop EMEA.
With the advent of quantum computers, the security of classical cryptographic algorithms is at risk. Even though today’s quantum computers are far from being able to attack cryptographic algorithms considered secure today, attacks on secrets (e.g., cryptographic keys) with a long lifetime can be initiated today: encrypted secrets can be recorded now, and the encryption can be broken once sufficiently strong quantum computers will be available. Therefore, preparations to defend against this risk must start as soon as possible.
This presentation briefly discusses the unique features of quantum computers and their impact on cryptography. After looking at state of the art of the industry, we show how IBM Z16 can help customers on their journey to a quantum safe future. The presentation concludes with recommendations for this journey.

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