2020-06-17 Linux Workload Performance on IBM z15 and LinuxONE III

2020-06-17 Linux Workload Performance on IBM z15 and LinuxONE III 

Thu June 18, 2020 07:21 AM

The latest generation of IBM LinuxONE III or z15 introduces more compute resources, larger memory, new I/O cards, new hardware accelerators etc. compared to its predecessor Emperor II or z14. The focus of this talk is the performance investigation of real-world, end-to-end Linux workloads on IBM LinuxONE III and z15 profiting from these new features. The attendees will understand the business-needs, optimal deployment/configuration and competitive performance impact of these features while executing enterprise-level workloads (like databases, webservers, virtual machines, impact of encryption and others), and compare the performance of LinuxONE III or z15 to x86 servers.

pdf file
WebCast-z15 and LinuxONE Linux Workload Performance-2020.pdf   4.54 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Thu June 18, 2020