2019-01-16 Pervasive Encryption with Linux on IBM Z: from a performance perspective

2019-01-16 Pervasive Encryption with Linux on IBM Z: from a performance perspective 

Tue May 05, 2020 02:42 PM

From its first announcement, the IBM z14 has been labeled as “the encryption machine” – enabling customers encrypting massive amounts of data at a low cost. This talk gives a detailed performance overview of the Pervasive Encryption concept within Linux. The audience will get insights about the performance improvements compared to the former IBM z13 for data-in-flight, data-at-rest and the encryption overhead we get in an end-to-end scenario including a PostgreSQL database.

pdf file
LinuxPE-PerformancePerspective-v1.pdf   6.77 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Tue May 05, 2020