04-21-21 Red Hat OpenShift for IBM Z and LinuxONE on RHEL 8.3 KVM

04-21-21 Red Hat OpenShift for IBM Z and LinuxONE on RHEL 8.3 KVM 

Thu April 22, 2021 03:51 AM

Red Hat OpenShift is available on RHEL 8.3 KVM starting with Red Hat OpenShift version 4.7 on IBM Z and LinuxONE. We discuss the deployment of a Red Hat OpenShift Cluster on RHEL KVM from a high-level perspective including supported configurations and requirements, especially the available network and storage options.
Furthermore, we explain the installation steps of Red Hat OpenShift 4.7 on RHEL KVM in detail, including best practices and a short excurse on cluster debugging.

pdf file
OCP_on_zKVM_Overview_and_Installation.pdf   1.91 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Thu April 22, 2021