AI and Analytics

  • 1.  Can I do any AI on z/OS 3.1 without a CF?

    Posted Mon November 20, 2023 07:53 PM

    Hi again,

    given that we've established a Coupling Facility (CF) is mandatory for the AI Framework on z/OS 3.1 that the AI-powered WLM batch initiators require, I was wondering if there's any AI I can do on z/OS 3.1 that doesn't use a CF.

    It would be good to have some sort of entry point for AI on z/OS that avoids a CF, but if there's none, so be it.  I was thinking that perhaps the open-source AI libraries of some kind might work without a CF, but I'm not an expert on those (nor indeed any AI).

    Kind regards,

    Thanks and regards,
    Peter Bishop

  • 2.  RE: Can I do any AI on z/OS 3.1 without a CF?

    Posted Sun December 03, 2023 01:59 PM

    Hi Peter, 

    I asked around regarding the coupling facility requirement, and found out that the CF can be an internal CF (just another LPAR partition in the z box) and can use a GP engine instead of an ICF engine.  So, no additional hardware is necessary.

    Regarding the topic of this thread post, there are quite a lot of AI solutions on IBM Z which don't require a coupling facility. Please take a look at the graphic below which displays some of these solutions. 

    IBM has invested into getting leading open-source AI frameworks and solutions running on the platform. Please see this blog post here which details an open-source offering IBM recently announced. 

    Let me know if you have any questions. 

    Artem Minin

  • 3.  RE: Can I do any AI on z/OS 3.1 without a CF?

    Posted Sun December 03, 2023 05:53 PM

    Thanks Artem, very helpful.

    In the graphic above, I see at the bottom, WMLz, which not only requires a CF but also 4 zIIPs and 100GB of memory according to z/OS v3.1 Content Solution I downloaded from this page 

    That's quite a lot of capacity, admittedly to lay the foundation for future use cases beyond the one available now in the form of AI-powered WLM batch initiators, but a big step just to get going nonetheless.

    Even using GPs for a CF is quite a step, as of course the capacity used by the CF is no longer available for z/OS, in both GPs and memory.

    I'm going to dig a bit deeper into Cloud Pak for Data in the hope that there is not such a significant hardware requirement as is the case for WMLz.

    Thanks again for your input!

    Thanks and regards,
    Peter Bishop