Webinar: Architecture and performance enhancements for IBM Z Anomaly Analytics

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When:  Sep 10, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (CET)
Associated with  IBM Z DACH

Architecture and performance enhancements for IBM Z Anomaly Analytics

IT Operations professionals face increasing strain as they are asked to do more with fewer resources. Anomaly detection is a crucial solution for automating the analysis of operational data in order to help identify potential problems before they become Service Level Agreement impacting events.

Join this webinar to get a product overview of the new and improved IBM Z Anomaly Analytics. During this call you will learn more about the enhanced metric machine learning architecture that accelerates customers time to value and reduces total cost of ownership. We are also announcing a new anomaly detection and correlation algorithm to reduce false positives and accelerates time to insights. Lastly, a modern and new UI helps system programmers diagnosis problems faster by automating the collection and filtering of insights - accelerating their time to action.

Luke de Kansky, WW IBM Z Software Business Unit Executive, IBM
Tim Brooks, IBM Z AIOps Sr. Product Manager, IBM
Patrick Chan, Senior Technical Staff Member, ZAIOps Architect, IBM Master Inventor, IBM