z/OS Connect Webinar Series

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Starts:  Nov 14, 2023 03:00 PM (BST)
Ends:  Apr 16, 2024 04:00 PM (BST)
Associated with  z/OS Connect

Whether you are calling into your mainframe (API provider), calling out from the mainframe (API requester), or both, you’ll want to attend these sessions!  These deep dives into the different areas of building, deploying and maintaining your APIs will take you through every stage of the API lifecycle with tips and tricks from the experts alongside live product demos. Join Andy and Agnes as they bring you up to speed with the latest capabilities that z/OS Connect has to offer.

Register now at ibm.biz/zosconnect-webinarseries for the following exciting and new sessions.

  • Session 1: Opening up your z/OS Applications using z/OS Connect with OpenAPI 3. To download and view the Session 1 recording, click here.
  • Session 2: Calling OpenAPI 3 APIs from your Mainframe subsystems: How does z/OS Connect support API requester. To download and view the Session 2 recording, click here.
  • Session 3: What is Top Down/API First approach in API provider with z/OS Connect? To download and view the Session 3 recording, click here.
  • Session 4: The API Lifecycle with z/OS Connect. To download and view the Session 4 recording, click here.
  • Session 5: z/OS Connect API Security and High Availability best practices in Authentication and Authorization. To download and view the Session 5 recording, click here

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Online Instructions:
Url: http://ibm.biz/zosconnect-webinarseries
Login: Please go to ibm.biz/zosconnect-webinarseries to register and you will be sent details of how to login to the seminars.


Nina Mirski-fitton
