Webinar: WebSphere Liberty (on z/OS) Administration Workshop

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When:  Jan 21, 2025 from 01:04 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  IBM Z DACH

WebSphere Liberty (on z/OS) Administration Workshop – Problem Determination – Virtual – Jan 21, 2025


WebSphere Liberty Profile (or simply Liberty) servers on z/OS are becoming more important for IBM z/OS products like CICS, MQ, z/OSMF and z/OS Connect.

In this series of workshops, the Washington Systems Center will share their experiences and recommendations for Liberty on z/OS best practices for configuring, managing, monitoring, and performing problem determination of Liberty servers on z/OS and as well as an introduction to the security options available with Liberty servers on z/OS.

WebSphere Liberty on z/OS: Managing, Monitoring and Problem Determination – In this session an experienced z/OS system programmer will share his experiences with monitoring and performing problem determination in the Liberty environment. The speaker will describe the monitoring tools available and provide problem isolation techniques that have been proven useful.

Exercises (accessible after the workshop)

In conjunction with these sessions, the Washington Systems Center will provide for a limited time access to a cloud environment where the following exercises can be performed.  If you would like access to the exercises at other times, contact your local IBM representative.

  • Liberty on z/OS – Server Configuraton
  • Liberty on z/OS – Basic Security
  • Liberty on z/OS – TLS Security


Jan 21, 2025 | 9:00 – 11:30, 1:00 – 4:00 ET

The Web Conference portion of the workshop will start at 9:00AM and end at approximately 11:30AM.
An optional afternoon session will start at 1:00 PM and address any outstanding items and/or questions and will transition to the exercises. Assistance will be provided to address questions or issues that attendees may encounter.


This workshop is intended for system programmers,  security administrators, and others who may be responsible for Liberty server on z/OS who want to administer and manage their Liberty servers using Washington Systems Center recommendations for best practices.