We are back!
We welcome you back in Chicago! Please join us for lunch, informative speakers and discussion!
To kick off our morning, Robert Catterall will give a presentation on Db2 13 for z/OS. In this session, Robert will provide information on migrating to Db2 13, along with a technical overview of the most significant enhancements provided by Db2 13, from SQL Data Insights to application-specific lock timeout and more.
Next, Steve Warren will give insight into the topic of Artificial Intelligence on Z. We will learn about how IBM’s z16 provides incredible on-chip AI acceleration to allow in-transaction AI insights and how AI models using common frameworks can be deployed onto z/OS. We will discuss many AI model deployment environments available on z/OS and how to easily infuse AI insights into your z/OS applications.
After lunch, we begin our afternoon session with a presentation by Jerome Gilbert and Quinn Kelly on the latest and greatest, IBM watsonx™ Code Assistant for Z. You will learn what it means to use an AI first strategy and how to accelerate application modernization to better support business transformation initiatives in your organization. This session will share IBM’s PoV on Application Modernization entry points for the IBM Z platform and demonstrate how Generative AI accelerates that journey.
Our next speaker, Steve Warren, will take you through a whirlwind tour of the latest enhancements available in z/OS 3.1! You will learn how IBM has infused AI into the operating system to provide the highest levels of availability as well as a plethora of other new reliability, performance, system management, application modernization, data storage, networking, and security enhancements made to IBM’s flagship operating system on IBM Z!
To close out the day, Julie Bergh will take us through Security on IBM Z. Mainframes are no longer isolated systems and are now connected to the cloud, mobile, and web-based applications, which have increased the complexity of security management. We will learn that the use of AI in mainframe security is becoming increasingly important due to the evolving security threats and the need to ensure the security and reliability of mainframe systems. Julie will explain how AI can help in areas such as file integrity monitoring, real-time analytics, and automation of security tasks to remediate mainframe security risks.
*Event takes place in the Central Time Zone
09:30 AM Arrival and Coffee
10:00 AM Opening Remarks
10:10 AM Db2 13 for z/OS
11:00 AM Break
11:10 AM AI on IBM Z
12:00 AM Lunch
1:00 PM IBM watsonx™ Code Assistant for Z
01:50 PM IBM z/OS 3.1
3:00 PM Break
03:10 PM Security on IBM Z
04:00 PM Closing Remarks, Q&A + Survey
For more information, contact your IBM representative or event contacts Lih Wang – lihwang@us.ibm.com or Kinari Deodhar – kinari.deodhar@ibm.com .
For parking and/or transit information, please refer to this document: Converge-FindUs-311WMonroe
Venue: Convene Chicago
311 W Monroe Street, Room Hub 2, Chicago, Illinois, 60606, United States