Automated Testing

zUNIT test results shown as Traceback entry points

  • 1.  zUNIT test results shown as Traceback entry points

    Posted Mon February 20, 2023 07:32 AM
    Edited by Joao Carvalho Mon February 20, 2023 07:42 AM


    I'm trying out the use of the zUNIT using the Test runner (AZUTSTRN)

    looking at the manual, as result, in case of a test fail, I can see that it appears the line on the source, the instruction , the result given and the expected result; when I execute mine, I only able to see the Traceback...... does anyone know the reason or someone experienced this and know how to fix it ? (for information I'm trying to parametrize and make a POC of zUNIT);

    Thank you !

    Joao Carvalho