IBM Z Global Student Hub

  • 1.  zSystems and Quantum - Legacy and Future?

    Posted Mon November 28, 2022 09:29 AM
    Mainframes are often considered as legacy systems, first introduced in the 50s. Quantum computers are hyped up and they are the new, hot stuff, with some systems already made available by IBM in the U.S. as well as in Germany. In this event a couple of zSystems Student Ambassadors had a discussion and Q&A with Nico Einsidler and Joris Mertens about those technologies, if and how they can work together, and what we can expect from them right now as well as in the future. You will also learn where you can get access to them to try them out. 
    If all those things seem like something you, a fellow student or a colleague might be interested in, feel free and watch the replay of the event.

    Nathan Degryse

  • 2.  RE: zSystems and Quantum - Legacy and Future?

    Posted Wed November 30, 2022 06:57 AM
    It was such an interesting session with a lot of useful links and resources. Thanks for sharing the recording Nathan!

    Sabine Diemt
    FernUniversität Hagen