IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF)

z/OSMF Guild Session 8 (Broadcom and z/OSMF, Software Update with z/OSMF) Question and Answer

  • 1.  z/OSMF Guild Session 8 (Broadcom and z/OSMF, Software Update with z/OSMF) Question and Answer

    Posted Wed June 22, 2022 04:27 PM
    Edited by Rolando Perez Wed July 20, 2022 11:07 AM
    These are questions and answers captured from the Webex chat during the z/OSMF Guild Session 8 on June 15, 2022.  Questions were answered by Kurt Quackenbush, Dawn Damore, Ruchi Saxena, Marna Walle & Rolando PerezIf you have further questions, you can respond to this forum or contact any of us directly.   

    1. Where can I find the materials & links that were shared during Guild Session 8?

    2. I am a Broadcom customer and would like to participate in the Broadcom Validation Program mentioned during the Guild Session.  How do I participate?

    If you are interested in providing feedback to the Broadcom, please reach out to or

    3. Does z/OSMF Software Update tell you anything about what you have not received (Like CMS)?
    z/OSMF Software Update has no knowledge of PTFs that have not yet been received into the global zone.  Currently, we recommend that customers use SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER to receive all PTFs.

    4. In a large environment, we use normal cloning process for product roll out, cloning TLIBS across other environments (Testing, QA and Prod).  Can I use the z/OSMF Software Management plugin to do this?
    Yes, the Deployment action in the z/OSMF Software Management application can clone your defined software instances.

    5. Can you verify how the software update downloads software? Does it happen through your PC or Mainframe?
     z/OSMF Software Update currently does not download PTFs or HOLDDATA.  We recommend you use, and automate, SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER to download available PTFs and HOLDDATA on a regular cadence from IBM and other software vendors.

    6. We have several products which have multiple target zones.  z/OSMF appears to limit the action to apply to a single target zone meaning you would have to repeat the same process n target zone times.  CSM allows you to select 1 or more target zones.
    That is correct, z/OSMF Software Update installs PTFs to a single target zone at a time.  If you want to install a set of PTFs to multiple target zones then you need to perform a unique Update process for each target zone.

    7. If I have one global zone for all my z/OS software (z/OS 2.3 & 2.4) plus vendor products.  How do I break that down into software instances? 
    When you define a software instance in z/OSMF Software Management you get to select which one or more target zones it will describe.  So, you can define multiple software instances that all specify the same global zone but specify different target zones.

    8. Can we only install updates that have already been received?
    Yes, only updates that have already been received into the global zone may be installed.

    9. How do I request a new feature for z/OSMF Software Update?

    Please use the new IBM Ideas platform (under the z/OSMF Category) for opening new requirements or requests for feature enhancements.

    10. This SMPE work is done under the userid or z/OSMF id?
    z/OSMF Software Update runs SMP/E under the identity of the userid with which you logged in to z/OSMF.

    11. How can we check and verify the Apply check and Apply ?
    z/OSMF Software Update determines if the APPLY CHECK and APPLY are successful or not.  If you want to view the SMP/E output, you can download a zip file to your workstation that contains all of the SMP/E output files to your workstation.  There is a download link on several pages in the Update process.  You can then unzip and view the output files.


    12. Will the error message be displayed e.g. DDDEF space issues while applying PTFs ?
    Yes, z/OSMF Software Update analyzes the SMP/E APPLY CHECK and APPLY output and displays relevant error messages and snippets of the SMP/E output when an error in SMP/E processing is detected.  If you need to see the entire SMP/E output a zip archive file containing the SMP/E output files is available for download to your workstation.

    13. Can I select what to install by FIXCAT?
    The Install Functional Updates action in z/OSMF Software Update determines if any PTFs associated with a Fix Category are not yet installed.  If any such PTFs exist, you can select one or more of those Fix Categories to install the PTFs associated with the selected Fix Categories.

    14. When I hit a modid error, z/OSMF threw up it's hands. How would a junior programmer get around this?
    Using z/OSMF Software Update does not eliminate all need for SMP/E skills, but we hope using z/OSMF Software Update overall simplifies PTF installation activities and reduces the total SMP/E skill is required 

    15. I
    need the ability to customize the sourceid list.
    The Install Recommended action in z/OSMF Software Update currently does not allow you to customize the SOURCE IDs used to identify recommended PTFs.  Adding such a capability is on our list of future improvements we hope to provide.

    16. How can we restore a PTF ?
    z/OSMF Software Update has no current capability to RESTORE a PTF.

    17.How are fix categories added to the list of Functional updates?
    The Install Functional Updates action in z/OSMF Software Update analyzes the FIXCAT HOLDDATA in the global zone to determine if any PTFs associated with a Fix Category are not yet installed.  If any such PTFs exist, then those Fix Categories are displayed and you can select one or more to install the PTFs associated with the selected Fix Categories.  You can receive the latest HOLDDATA into the global zone (outside of z/OSMF Software Update) to ensure the latest Fix Categories are displayed.


    18. Its possible, LIST USERMODs from zOSMF?
    If you know the name (SYSMOD ID) of a USERMOD you can use the SYSMOD Search Maintenance Report action of z/OSMF Software Management to determine if the USERMOD is installed or not in one or more software instances.  There is no capability to get a list of all USERMODs currently installed.

    19. Where does z/OSMF put the jcl/output for the apply on the mainframe side?
    All of the SMP/E output for the APPLY CHECK and APPLY commands of a single update process is stored as a zip file within the z/OSMF UNIX data directory, /global/zosmf/data.  To view the SMP/E output, you can download the zip file that contains the SMP/E output files to your workstation.  There is a download link on several pages in the Update process, and when you view a completed Update process.  You can then unzip and view the output files.

    21. CSM has the ability to pull HOLDATA every single time you apply maintenance.  Will this be available on z/OSMF.
    We do have RECEIVE in the backlog of Software Update, but I can't speak about when it will be there.  In the meantime, really, automating RECEIVE ORDER can get you just that.

    22. I may have missed any questions relating to usermod handling and how that's done via zOSMF.  This has been taken into account?
    The Install Corrective Updates action in z/OSMF Software Update allows you to specify the SYSMOD ID for SYSMODs you want to install.  These may be USERMOD, PTF, or APAR SYSMODs.

    23. When installing Recommended maintenance, is it possible to select which RSUs to install (or exclude)?
    The Install Recommended action in z/OSMF Software Update currently does not allow you to customize the SOURCE IDs used to identify recommended PTFs, and therefore does not allow you to select which RSU PTFs you want to install.  Adding such a capability is on our list of future improvements we hope to provide.

    24. Can I do accepts?
    z/OSMF Software Update has no current capability to ACCEPT PTFs into the dlib zone and distribution libraries.


    Rolando Perez