IBM Z and LinuxONE IBM Z

  • 1.  zEDC

    Posted Wed July 10, 2024 07:33 PM

    Can someone help me in understanding how to use the zedc on z16 HSM processing . What all parameters need to change for the same.

    Melvin Reji

  • 2.  RE: zEDC

    Posted Wed July 10, 2024 07:51 PM


    I would suggest starting at and go to "Get started" then "z/OS data".

    If you want to use zEDC on a z16 for DFSMShsm then you need to license the zEDC feature of z/OS and enable it in IFAPRDxx.

    Enable DFSMShsm usage by adding the SETSYS ZCOMPRESS(ALL) setting to your DFSMShsm PARMLIB member.

    Jim Elliott
    Senior IT Consultant, GlassHouse Systems Inc.