Automated Testing

  • 1.  ZD&T RHEL Versions

    Posted Thu July 28, 2022 04:51 AM
    I cannot find any mention of which version of RHEL is supported by the various components of ZD&T in the documentation and would like to know this for:

    - license server
    - the EE web server
    - actual ZD&T images. For this I can, kind of, work out that version 13.3.x is running GA 10 of z1091 so looking in the zPDT Redbook then the 'official' levels are RHEL 7.7, SLES 12 SP3, Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS and informally tested are: RHEL 7.x, 8.0, SLES 12 SP3, 15, openSUSE Leap42.3, 15.0, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04

    It would be nice to have this clarified and/or documented somewhere, thanks


    Sebastian Welton

  • 2.  RE: ZD&T RHEL Versions

    Posted Fri July 29, 2022 03:42 AM

    you can run reports here for any IBM product:

    Once you choose the product,  you can then select version, which components, and detail for the report.

    Run your own report, from memory we support all the RHEL 7, 8 and 9 releases, and Ubuntu LTS releases 16 through 22.  We no longer officially support SLES for ZD&T.


  • 3.  RE: ZD&T RHEL Versions

    Posted Fri July 29, 2022 03:52 AM
    Hi Rod, 
              thanks for that although it looks like it can't find ZD&T, maybe it requires a different name (I did try Rational and zPDT as well.) I don't think that you should use RHEL 9 or Ubuntu 22 as they're not supported by z1091 yet but will probably be with the GA 11 release (I'm doing the ESP for that).

    I've tried with RHEL 8.6 but there were too many errors during install which I'm trying to debug so for testing I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 but RHEL is the one we are going to have to use. I shall persevere with getting it to run on RHEL


    Sebastian Welton

  • 4.  RE: ZD&T RHEL Versions

    Posted Fri July 29, 2022 03:54 AM
    Okay, putting in just 'zd' gave me 'IBM Z Development and Test Environment'

    Sebastian Welton