Automated Testing

  • 1.  ZD&T Fixpacks

    Posted Thu January 05, 2023 11:46 AM
    So where is the documentation on how to install fixpacks? I don't seem to be able to find anything in the online documentation nor is there anything in the .tgz file which is downloaded. Upon opening the resulting tar file, there is just a number of executables with the same name as the original executables so I'm assuming that you just run them on their relevant systems? Is there anyway of backing out the fixes as well or is this just an install and hope for the best procedure?


    Sebastian Welton

  • 2.  RE: ZD&T Fixpacks

    Posted Tue January 10, 2023 04:58 AM
    Some further questions and pointers:

    • Are the fixpacks cumulative? There is no information on this and it would be nice to know do you need to install previous fixpacks first
    • If you select, say FP1, FP2 and FP3 and then use Download Director to download them, it will download all 3 fixpacks but because they all have the same filename, they just overwrite each other so you have no idea which fixpack you actually have

    Sebastian Welton

  • 3.  RE: ZD&T Fixpacks

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 03:28 AM
    It's a full installer - when you run it you will upgrade your existing installation - there are prompts as you run it telling you what it is doing.


  • 4.  RE: ZD&T Fixpacks

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 04:51 AM
    After playing around with it on a test system, I came to the same conclusion. Would be nice to be documented somewhere though.


    Sebastian Welton