New to Z

Penetration testing as a Pokemon battle

  • 1.  Penetration testing as a Pokemon battle

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu October 26, 2023 09:43 AM
    Edited by Shari Chiara Mon November 13, 2023 03:48 PM
      |   view attached

    This month, for the "New to IBM Z : Virtual Meetup" series, I hosted a session on the 25th October, looking at the introductory principles of Mainframe Cybersecurity.

    The specific theme that I explored was Penetration Testing visualised as a Pokémon battle

    A picture showing that Niall Ashley is the guest host, delivering a session on


    If your busy schedule prevented you from attending, then have no fear 😄  A replay is available! 

    You can watch the replay here:

    Just use the password:  PokeSecurity1 

    You can also find my presentation from this session, attached to this discussion. 📎

    Whether you watched it live or on replay, I would genuinely love to hear what you thought about the session! 😊

    I would also be happy to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to add your comments below.

    Niall Ashley (he/him)
    Consultant in Mainframe Security (RACF)
    Vertali Ltd


    Mainframe PokeSecurity.pptx   8.83 MB 1 version