I don't think that the volume is protected. I think that the data set allocated to DD INSTATBL is write-protected. Is the IVP driven via the same dialog the IMS SPOC application is using? I fairly remember that there have been issues due to allocating an ISPF table library that was shared between all users.
If you did not succeed in allocating your "own" INSTATBL data set then I would assume that either other parms have to be specified or the dialog application just does not provide specific allocations for that DD. In that case I would request support from the developers of the application to get information regarding correct setup.
Dietmar Knodel
Software Developer
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 17, 2023 01:46 AM
From: Claire Hamilton
Subject: IVP for IMS
Hi Dietmar
I believe the whole volume is protected. I copied INSTATBL and INSTALIB to a WRK volume and tried invoking the IVP start-up CLIST using: EXEC 'qqq.SDFSCLST(DFSIXC01)' 'HLQ(qqq) HLQIV(iii)' and provided my copied location as the HLQIV value but, following your advice, when I checked the allocation for DD INSTATBL I could see my HLQIV supplied value was not being used.
I should note I have been invoking both IMS and the IVP straight from the SMP/E Target data sets which are the result of the IBM installation. Since then I copied the Target data sets as well as INSTATBL, INSTALIB to a WRK volume which does allow me to confirm I can invoke the IVP start-up CLIST successfully.
However, I am particularly interested in using the IMS Connect sample application. I can see in the installation location for IMS that the jobs supporting this already appear to have been run so I don't want to repeat all this effort if I don't need to. Can I get my own copies of INSTATBL, INSTALIB ahead in the concatenation then continue to use the SMP/E Target data sets or will I keep running into authority issues? Or do I just need to request access to this volume/s?
Claire Hamilton
Original Message:
Sent: Thu May 11, 2023 01:46 AM
From: Dietmar Knodel
Subject: IVP for IMS
based on the screenshot you sent there seems to be a problem when the IVP application attempts to store a ISPF table in the DD allocated to INSTATBL. Whilst I/O error is not very expressive I would look up your TSUser Address Space in SDSF and look for related messages.
Sometimes you may get more detailed help if you enter HELP once more, so this might give you another clue. I would assume that the data set being allocated under DD INSTATBL is running out of space or probably is write-protected so that you could read from it but fail when trying to update members (which a TBSAVE operation would be).
Kind regards,
Dietmar Knodel
Software Developer
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH
Original Message:
Sent: Wed May 10, 2023 02:17 AM
From: Claire Hamilton
Subject: IVP for IMS
First time IMS user. I'm trying to launch IVP to confirm the functions and features of IMS are working and I get this error:
I get the same result regardless of whether I start the IVP using the EXEC command or choose option 6 from the IMS Application Menu.
I've tried launching IVP with the DEBUG option on but I wasn't able to find anything particularly helpful in the output and I haven't found anything in the documentation relating to configuration requirements prior to launching IVP.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to resolve it or point me to the right section of the manual please?
Claire Hamilton