Automated Testing

  • 1.  Is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back?

    Posted Wed April 05, 2023 03:47 PM

    I bet many were happy when IBM announced ZD&T Learners Edition a few years ago, and I was definitely one of them.

    Here in the community I found a post from Mark Regan, in which he got his ZD&T running back in June 2022, and other threads from people facing issues to renew their license, so it tells me at least a few people got the taste of the Learners Edition. But then at some point it stopped being distributed. 
    There's still this page about how to qualify for it: IBM ZD&T for Learners Edition

    However if you follow the steps you should reach the  page where Learners Edition is not mentioned, except for this statement:
    "What happened to ZD&T for Learner's Edition?
    Learner's Edition is currently being updated and will return soon."

    ZD&T docs mention Learner's Edition up to v13.3.x and then it is removed from the latest v14.0.x documentation.

    So, is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back? Maybe with a different name or model.

    William Dias De Sousa
    Mainframe Performance & Capacity Consultant
    DXC Technology

  • 2.  RE: Is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back?

    Posted Thu April 06, 2023 03:33 AM

    @Luis Carlos Silva 


  • 3.  RE: Is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back?

    Posted Fri April 07, 2023 12:51 PM

    My guess is that it will come back as a cloud-based version. When, who knows?

    Mark Regan
    Consultant, z/OS Network Software
    Nationwide Insurance, Retired
    Utica OH

  • 4.  RE: Is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back?

    Posted Sun October 08, 2023 08:39 AM

    I've sent Luis an email to see if he has any updates. 

    @Luis Carlos Silva 

    Mark Regan
    Consultant, z/OS Network Software
    Nationwide Insurance, Retired
    Utica OH

  • 5.  RE: Is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back?

    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 05:02 PM

    It looks like at some point that was taken down, I'm including a link to the archived page to follow updates for this thread.  

    Gregory Rudolph

  • 6.  RE: Is ZD&T for Learners Edition ever coming back?

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 05:10 PM

    I'm one who had a license back in 2022.  It was extended a year because the new flavor wasn't ready yet.  Was hoping to play with z/os 3.1 and db2 v13 ahead of time but unfortunately it expired back on February 5th so it is no more for me.  Was a huge learning tool to use to try things and not break anything.  I think I learned more system stuff about z/os than anything.  I've always been an apps/db guy.  I reached out for updates a couple times but didn't get any replies.  Hoping something resurfaces soon.

    John Malinoski