IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF)

  • 1.  Installing zos 3.1 - Indirect Catalog Entries

    Posted 4 days ago

    Is there a way to define 2 symbolics in the 'Volumes and Storage Classes' for the new sysres volume? It appears that in the existing master catalog some indirect cataloged datasets sets are cataloged with 

    &RES2 and some are cataloged with '******' . In the 'Volumes and Storage Classes' panel I select the new RES volume, select modify to define indirect catalog method and enter both symbols, but the field only lets you enter 1 symbolic? Is there some kind of work around for this? 

    Thanks Matt

    Matthew Dazzo

  • 2.  RE: Installing zos 3.1 - Indirect Catalog Entries

    Posted 4 days ago

    Matt, sadly in z/OSMF Software Management you cannot define two different symbols to represent a single volume.

    At the moment I can think of only two possible workarounds, neither of which is ideal:

    1. Update your existing catalog entries to use one single symbol for the SYSRES.
    2. On the Catalogs page of the Configuration wizard tell z/OSMF the data sets that use the &RES2 symbol will be uncataloged.   Whether this is even possible however depends on if those data sets may be uncataloged and all have an HLQ that is unique from other data sets.

    Kurt Quackenbush
    IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management

  • 3.  RE: Installing zos 3.1 - Indirect Catalog Entries

    Posted 3 days ago

    Kurt, thanks for confirming. I guess I'll have to go the SSA route as I did with Custompac. 

    Another question if I could, concerning the vsam files and job IZUD06RN, after the vsam file is renamed, there is a define for a path entry. I have not used these in the past

    and I'm not sure what they are used for? can these be removed? 

    Would removing them require downstream jobs to abend or would the downstream jobs need to be modified?

    Thank you, appreciated Matt

    IF LASTCC = 0 THEN -                          
      DEFINE PATH( -                              


    Matthew Dazzo

  • 4.  RE: Installing zos 3.1 - Indirect Catalog Entries

    Posted 2 days ago

    Matt, please DO NOT REMOVE the data set aliases and PATHs manually... instead tell z/OSMF to do it, later.

    The PATH entry (for VSAM data sets) and data set alias (for non-VSAM) allow programs access to the data sets via the driving system's catalog.  That is, when z/OSMF, SMP/E, or other programs are running on the driving system they can find the data set if referenced by the PATH or alias name, Z31MCAT.SYS1.ZOS31.OMVS.JAVAROOT for example.  Whereas the true data set name, like SYS1.ZOS31.OMVS.JAVAROOT, will only be found by programs later when running on your target system using the new target system master catalog. 

    After running the generated deployment jobs, the next step in the Deployment checklist is to perform the supplied workflows which help you setup and configure the installed software.  The workflow step actions run from the driving system, so they need to access the data sets through the driving system catalog.  In fact, during this time z/OSMF will EXPECT to find the data sets using these PATH and alias names, so please do NOT manually remove them.

    Later, after you're done with the setup and configuration, after the Deployment is complete, then you can remove the PATHs and data set aliases by using the Delete Temporary Catalog Alias action against the target software instance.  Not only will this action generate the JCL necessary to remove the PATHs and aliases, but it will disconnect the new target system master catalog from the driving system's catalog, and update the data set names referenced by z/OSMF for this software instance.

    Kurt Quackenbush
    IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management

  • 5.  RE: Installing zos 3.1 - Indirect Catalog Entries

    Posted 2 days ago

    Thank you, appreciated. 


    Matthew Dazzo