Hi there, I'm Felipe Sanchez from Mexico and I am part of IBM Zsystems student Ambassadors, today I want to tell you my reflection about IBM Z Xplore:
- How many badges did you complete?
I completed fundamentals level, concepts level, advanced level and extended level to get all the badges and knowldege about enterprise computing, ML, Cobol, Rexx, DataSets, SDSF, Jupyter, USS, cloud computing, SQL, etc. That was pretty fun thx :))).
- How much time did it take you to complete the badges?
It took me a month to finish everything since I started, but if you are constant you can finish everything in three weeks.
- What did you enjoy the most and did you learn something new?
I really enjoyed fundamentals level, and extended level, because you learn a lot of enterprise computing and ML in LinuxOne.
Felipe Sanchez