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  • 1.  IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 11:33 PM

    Initial Program Load (IPL) failed. The channel program failed to complete within the maximum allowable time, or, completed with bad status causing the load operation to fail.Verify that the control unit or device is operating properly. Try the load operation again. If the problem continues, select Service


  • 2.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Wed March 06, 2024 04:18 AM

    Hi, could you provide the PSW which you can get from Hardware messages at HMC

    Joao Bertuzzi

  • 3.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Fri March 22, 2024 02:18 AM

    Hi Joao,

    I am wondering if you had found a solution to this as I am dealing with the same issue on a Z14. This error does not give a PSW or wait state code. It just gives plain text

    Problem Description: Initial Program Load (IPL) failed. The channel program failed to complete within the maximum allowable time, or, completed with bad status causing the load operation to fail. 

    Corrective Actions: Verify that the control unit or device is operating properly. Try the load operation again. If the problem continues, select Service. 

    Impact of Repair: The repair of this problem can most likely be performed concurrent with system operations.

    Randall Rackov

  • 4.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 06:55 AM
    This error does not give a PSW or wait state code. It just gives plain text

    Envoyé depuis mon appareil Galaxy

  • 5.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 03:57 AM


    Please check your I/O configuration. Is your IPL device reachable by these LPAR? Are all channels online on these LPAR?



    Daniel Cattin
    Abraxas Informatik AG

  • 6.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Wed March 27, 2024 01:49 AM
    Hello Daniel,

    the configuration did not change and it worked normally.
    This happened following a power outage, the BAY ds8870 and the Z114 were all affected

    Envoyé depuis mon appareil Galaxy

  • 7.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 02:14 AM


    did you open a case for that problem? Without more details, it's hard to diagnose. Check, whether there are any hardware messages for your z14. Maybe some adapters are not working anymore.

    Otherwise, try answering some general questions, to isolate the problem:
    Is it only one partition that no longer IPLs or are multiple LPARs affected?

    If multiple LPARs, are they all belonging to the same SYSPLEX?
    I just one, what is different for the failing LPAR compared to other LPARs that are still IPLing?

    Michael Grötzner
    z/OS I/O Configuration Architect
    IBM Germany Research & Development GmbH

  • 8.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 03:35 AM
    HI Grötzner
    In fact you know the Z114 is EOL and EOS. There are 2 Z/OS LPARS and 3 ZLINUX LPARs but for all it is the same message .

    Maybe I'll review the adapters
    to attack the storage we use the CHPID 221 which is operational.

    Envoyé depuis mon [cid:storage_emulated_0_DCIM_Camera_20240307_093320_jpg_1711610493656]

    Can't it be at the Storage level?


  • 9.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 03:51 AM

    Hi Mamadou,

    if the problem affects all LPARs and different types of LPARs, then yes. It is more likely that something in the path from your z114 to the storage server is not working. Assuming that you did not change the I/O configuration that was working before, I would investigate into the infrastructure/cabling between the z114 and the storage server first. Are all cables still plugged? Maybe, cleaning the plugs already helps.
    Is the storage server directly attached or via a switch? The switch might tell you whether the communication to the Z server or to the storage server has any problem.

    Michael Grötzner
    z/OS I/O Configuration Architect
    IBM Germany Research & Development GmbH

  • 10.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 04:55 AM
    Hi Michael,

    THE z114 Is connected directly with the DS8870.
    I will review the cabling.

    In fact, I suspect the ds8870 a little, because it seems to be running well, but I can't access the DS STORAGE MANAGER

  • 11.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 06:11 AM

    Hi Mamadou

    You wrote that you had a power loss. Did you selected the correct IOCDS (A0 to A3) during por activation? Maybe there is one IOCDS selected which do not specifiy your dasd devices. 



    Daniel Cattin
    Abraxas Informatik AG

  • 12.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 06:34 AM
    Hi Daniel
    I think liocds A0 is good and it's the one that has always worked

    Envoyé depuis mon appareil Galaxy

  • 13.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 08:22 AM

    Hi Mamaduo

    You can check the connection to the devcie via HMC. Select your z114 and go to "Single Object Operations". From there select channels and then your pchid 221. The select "Channel Problem Determination" under "Channel Operations".

    Now you can select your LPAR and press the "ok" button. Now I recommend to select "Analyze control unit header..." and press again OK. Take "Search by device number..." and press again OK. Now you can enter your IPL device nummer and press OK.

    You should see a report about the device, the paths to the device, the serial number of the DS8870 etc.  I attach a sample of the output. 

    If you dont see the correct information you have a configuration problem or a hardware defect. You can try an other channel if avaiable. 

    Regards Daniel 

    Btw, I can't see your pictures attachement. 

    A sample control Unit Header analysis

    Daniel Cattin
    Abraxas Informatik AG

  • 14.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 11:08 AM
    everything seems OK

    Envoyé depuis mon appareil Galaxy

  • 15.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 07:20 AM

    I just redo all the checks. But apparently the Z114 sees the DS8870 well


    -------- Message d'origine

  • 16.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Sun March 31, 2024 06:12 AM

    Hi Mamadou

    I cann't see your attached pictures.  Can you attach it via web interface?

    Is hard to guess what you see. 



    Daniel Cattin
    Abraxas Informatik AG

  • 17.  RE: IBM Z114 IPL

    Posted Sun March 31, 2024 06:39 AM
      |   view attached
    Hi Daniel,

    We say perhaps the volumes are soft fenced state.

    Envoyé depuis mon appareil Galaxy