IBM Z and LinuxONE IBM Z

  • 1.  connect to z/os mainframe from VS Code

    Posted Wed October 04, 2023 12:00 AM
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    I'm trying to connect to some training z/os mainframe from VS Code. Trying to proceed with the course "Learning COBOL programming with VS code". Connection guide is in attachment. I have successfully imported configuration files and Data set LearnCOBOL.zosmf has been created successfully but when I try to connect using my mainframe username and password I constantly get this in VS Code

    do not understand what's wrong to be honest. JSON configuration file looks like this

    ip address is correct. port is correct.

    any suggestions will be much appreciated


    Azat Mukhametzianov


    Lab 1 Guide.docx   2.90 MB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: connect to z/os mainframe from VS Code
    Best Answer

    Posted Wed October 04, 2023 09:18 AM

    @Azat Mukhametzianov, I see that you got your answer in the Slack channel.  Glad that someone in the Open Mainframe Project was able to help you.

    Leigh Compton
    Consulting IT Specialist - CICS and Enterprise Integration

  • 3.  RE: connect to z/os mainframe from VS Code

    Posted Wed October 04, 2023 10:21 AM
    Edited by Azat Mukhametzianov Wed October 04, 2023 10:22 AM
      |   view attached

    @Leigh Compton yes. Thank you very much. For anyone who probably will encounter this problem you should go to extensions of VS code and downgrade the version of zowe explorer extension. it can be done here. you should click on the down arrow near version and there will be a point "install another version" or smth like that(see screenshot)

    Azat Mukhametzianov