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Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

  • 1.  Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Tue June 27, 2023 09:10 AM


    We're running ZOS 2.5 and have ZIIP processors and wanted to run some reports to determine overall ZIIP usage and by what jobs, started tasks, programs are using?  What is best way to report and measure on such usage of the ZIIP processors?

    Please advise.


    Steve Estle

    Steve Estle ZOS Systems Programmer

  • 2.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Tue June 27, 2023 10:27 AM



    RMF (or CMF) have lots of reports on zIIP usage. But if you are interested at the job level, I would suggest you download zBNA (and CP3KEXTR). CP3KEXTR will reduce your SMF data into a format which can be used by zPCR and zBNA. zBNA lets you look at job and dataset level info, including zIIP utilization by job or program.


    CP3KEXTR is at

    zBNA is at


    Jim Elliott

    GlassHouse Systems Inc.


  • 3.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Wed June 28, 2023 03:07 PM

    Agree on SMF 30 and zBNA, Jim. I'm not sure, though, it would handle SMF 30 Interval records (Subtypes 2 and 3). These would be important for eg long running tasks such as Db2 and CICS (Liberty Profile).

    Martin Packer

  • 4.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Wed June 28, 2023 07:03 PM


    According to the doc zBNA uses SMF Type 30 subtypes 2, 3, 4 and 5.


    Regards, Jim Elliott

    GlassHouse Systems Inc.


  • 5.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 01:04 AM

    Probably time I played with it, then

    Martin Packer

  • 6.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Tue June 27, 2023 11:45 PM

    All of the major (and minor) performance monitoring tools (Omegamon, Sysview, Mainview, TMON, et al) will give you many different slices at zIIP measurements (e.g. total use, use by address space/STC/job, use by enclave, zIIP eligible but not run on zIIP), it's just a matter of looking for the pages/panels that display what you want.  

    Scott Fagen
    Mainframe Evangelist

  • 7.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Wed June 28, 2023 03:07 PM

    Agree Scott. I'm glad you raised zIIP-on-GCP. This is visible in RMF (72-3) and SMF 30 (all subtypes). What ISN'T in these records is why. SMF 70 Subtype 1 gives much of the answer, though some WLM-related clues might appear in 72-3.

    Martin Packer

  • 8.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?

    Posted Wed June 28, 2023 09:05 PM

    "What ISN'T in these records..."

    Which is why I'd recommend that the customer use the tools they bought instead of inventing new ones... the likelihood of combining the records right the first (seventeenth?) time is ... unlikely.


    Scott Fagen
    Mainframe Evangelist

  • 9.  RE: Best Way to measure ZIIP Processor Usage - RMF or other?