IBM Z ChatOps delivered new features and enhancements in its Spetember release. Check out how ChatOps improves to help you for operation work:
New configurable Launch-In-Context (LIC) links
You can edit the configuration file ZCHATOPS_HOME/config/bnz-lic-link.yaml to add your own LIC links to the View in field in most bot responses for Z ChatOps. You can also pick out some values from the bot response using JSONPath and pass them to your own LIC links as request parameters.
For example, if you add a LIC link to all bot response message except JSON format response message of Z ChatOps automation domain status command, you can navigate to specific pages of IBM Service Management Unite when you click the text with links added.
For more information, see Configuring LIC links.
New command option to show bot response data in JSON format
Except @botname help
, @botname default
, @botname alias
, @botname credential-store
, and @botname command
commands, you can get the JSON format data of the bot response for all Z ChatOps commands using the new option --json-format
or --jf
. After your know the data format, you can use JSONPath to pick out some values and pass them to your own LIC links that can be added to the Launch-In-Context (LIC) links configuration file bnz-lic-link.yaml.
For example, if you want to get the response message in the JSON format, you can run command @bnz ad --jf
or @bnz ad --json-format
For more information, see Getting bot response messages in JSON format.
New command to reset automation resource
You can reset a specified automation resource in chat tools using the reset command or related mouse navigation. For example, if you want to reset the automaton resource AM/APL/AOBC on the automation domain LPAR400J INGXSGSA, you can run command @bnz automation-resource reset resource AM/APL/AOBC --domain-name “LPAR400J INGXSGSA”
For more information, see @botname automation-resource.
Enhanced intelligent response for automation resource and CICS region
- For the
@botname automation-resource
commands, you can specify the target automation resource with only the name of the automation resource, and do not need to specify the resource type anymore.
- For the
@botname cics-region
commands, you do not need to provide CICSplex name anymore.
For more information about the new features and enhancements, see IBM Z ChatOps documentation: