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What's new in IBM z/OS Debugger 15.0.2

15.0.2 is now released for IBM z/OS Debugger! In addition to many fixes (over 15 APARs between host and client), this release has some key new features:

z/OS batch applications launches

We've enhanced the Debug as and Code Coverage as context menus to provide additional launch options:

Debug As context menuYou can access these options while editing JCL, or via right-click in the Remote Systems or z/OS Projects views.

  • Use z/OS Batch Application to launch a debug or code coverage session without a debug profile
  • Use z/OS Batch Application with a debug profile to launch a debug or code coverage session with a debug profile, and
  • Use z/OS Batch Application ... to be prompted create a launch configuration to launch a debug or code coverage session so that you can override the default options.

For more information, see Launching a debug session for z/OS batch applications using existing JCL.

Code coverage

From the Code Coverage Results view, you can now export code coverage results in Cobertura format, simply select the appropriate option from the Format combo:
Coverage Result Export dialog
For more information, see Exporting code coverage results in Cobertura format.

You can also now use the startup key to generate code coverage results in Cobertura and SonarQube formats. In addition, to help simplify usage, short parameters values -e=SQ|PDF|COB are added for you to use both in the startup key and in the headless code coverage daemon. For more information, see Specifying code coverage options in the startup key and Starting and stopping the headless code coverage daemon.

If you collect code coverage for PLI applications, you can now see a code coverage summary of the included files for PL/I source files with %INCLUDE statements from the hover in the toolbar:
PLI %INCLUDE statement

For more information, see Viewing code coverage results in an editor.

AT LABEL * command

When debugging Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 and later, AT LABEL * now highlights the labels similar to statement breakpoints.
You can now use PF6 or AT LINE to remove or add a single global label hook if AT LABEL * was issued.
To disable this functionality, use DISABLE AT LABEL * . If you issue AT LABEL * again or use ENABLE AT LABEL * , the global label hooks are reset.
For more information, see AT LABEL command.

IBM z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard

For IBM Debug for z/OS and IBM Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition users, the z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard boast many, many new features in 15.0.2:
  • The Program/Procedure Selection List panel is updated to include procedures. Selecting a procedure will provide a panel to enter the procedure step override for the DD statements generated. You no longer need to use the After (A) and Before (B) line commands.
  • SVC screening can be selected to enable SVC screening for batch non-Language Environment programs.
  • Intercept on can be selected to show COBOL DISPLAY statements on the z/OS Debugger log or Debug Console in the Eclipse IDE.
  • The z/OS Debugger LDD Generation for Non-LE Programs panel is now populated with the initial program name and subprograms selected in the Request AT ENTRY Sub-Program Breakpoints panel. You can even modify the program names provided in this panel.
  • After you select Code Coverage from the parameters selection panel, the EQAXOPT lines are generated to specify CCPROGSELECTDSN, CCOUTPUTDSN and CCOUTPUTDSNALLOC, if the CODE_COVERAGE_SETUP value is configured to YES in the EQAJCL REXX procedure.
  • The wizard no longer verifies the program source members identified in the z/OS Debugger LDD Generation for Non-LE Programs panel with each library identified by the z/OS Debugger Debug Libraries panel to verify that the members are present. This function is removed because any such members are already flagged in the IBM z/OS Debugger log or Debug Console in the Eclipse IDE when the LDD command is entered.
  • The END command (PF3) in the Program/Procedure Selection List panel is modified to cancel the request.
  • The cursor is now placed on the command line when the process is completed.
For more information, see IBM z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard.

IBM Debug for z/OS Documentation

IBM Debug for z/OS users no longer must search for z/OS Debugger documentation in the IDz Documentation.  A new IBM Debug for z/OS Documentation site is now available!  Check out the latest version 15.0.x IBM Debug for z/OS documentation, and access versions 14.0.x, 14.1.x and 14.2.x if needed.