Show resources in C06
Not in C07
Displays unique resources related to the C06 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C07. It doesn't consider any resources of IYD
Show resources in C06
Not in IYD
Displays unique resources related to the C06 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of IYD. It doesn't consider any resources of C07
Show resources in C07
Not in C06
Displays unique resources related to the C07 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C06. It doesn't consider any resources of IYD
Show resources in C07
Not in IYD
Displays unique resources related to the C07 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of IYD. It doesn't consider any resources of C06
Show resources in
Not in C06
Displays unique resources related to the IYD region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C06. It doesn't consider any resources of IYD
Show resources in
Not in C07
Displays unique resources related to the IYD region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C07. It doesn't consider any resources of C06
Show resources in C06
Not in IYD and C07
Displays unique resources related to the C06 region. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of both the regions IYD and C07
Show resources in C07
Not in IYD and C06
Displays unique resources related to the C07 region. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of both the regions IYD and C06
Show resources in
Not in C07 and C06
Displays unique resources related to the IYD region. Excludes the common resources and unique resources
that are part of both the regions C06 and C07
Show resources in C06 and C07
Not in IYD
Displays unique resources related to both the regions C07 and C06. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of IYD.
Show resources in C06 and IYD
Not in C07
Displays unique resources related to both the regions IYD and C06. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of C07.
Show resources in C07 and IYD
Not in C06
Displays unique resources related to both the regions C07 and IYD. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of C06.
Show resources in C06, C07 and IYD
Leave it as a blank
Displays all resources under 3 regions