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How to use CICS IA to compare resources between the CICS regions



CICS IA (Interdependency Analyzer) helps to collect CICS resources. The collected resources can be viewed and compared with the help of the CICS IA plug-in. 


Steps to be followed

  • Launch z/os explorer and make a host connection to connect CICS IA.
  • Go to the IA navigation view
  • Expand the region and Right-click on the region name.
  • Select the Show resources menu to list the region's resources in the view panel
  • Right-click on the second region and click the show resources menu.
  • Click the left arrow button on the top right corner of the view panel, which lists the previously selected region's resources.
  • Click the comparison resources button, which is enabled after clicking the left arrow button.
  • Now, a popup window will open (refer to image 1), and choose the option that contains the region's resources that should be displayed and not to display for two regions.

Image 1
– Compare search results popup image for Two regions

  • Select the checkbox under the below possibilities and click OK to verify the output.





Show resources in CICS REGION 1”



Not in “CICS REGION 2”

Displays unique resources related to the “CICS REGION 1” region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of “CICS REGION 2”.



Show resources




Not in “CICS REGION 1”

Displays unique resources related to the “CICS REGION 2” region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of “CICS REGION 1”.


Show resources in both the regions


Leave it as a blank

Displays all the resources belonging to the “CICS REGION 1” and “CICS REGION 2”

Leave it as a blank

No resources in both region

No results found


Steps to be followed

  • Launch z/os explorer and make a host connection to connect CICS IA.
  • Go to the IA navigation view.
  • Expand the region and Right-click on the region name.
  • select the Show resources menu to list the region's resources in the view panel.
  • Repeat the above step for the rest of the other two regions. The view panel contains the list of three regions' resources with history.
  • Use the left and right arrow buttons to verify the lists of all three region’s resources.
  • Click the comparison resources button, which is enabled after clicking the left and right arrow buttons.
  • Now, a popup window will open (refer to image 2), and choose the option that contains the region's resources that should be displayed and not displayed for three regions.

Image 2
– Compare search results popup image for three regions

  • Select the checkbox under the below possibilities and click OK to verify the output.


Sample CICS region names – C06, C07, IYD



Show resources in C06

Not in C07

Displays unique resources related to the C06 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C07. It doesn't consider any resources of IYD

Show resources in C06

Not in IYD

Displays unique resources related to the C06 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of IYD. It doesn't consider any resources of C07

Show resources in C07

Not in C06

Displays unique resources related to the C07 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C06. It doesn't consider any resources of IYD

Show resources in C07

Not in IYD

Displays unique resources related to the C07 region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of IYD. It doesn't consider any resources of C06

Show resources in


Not in C06

Displays unique resources related to the IYD region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C06. It doesn't consider any resources of IYD

Show resources in


Not in C07

Displays unique resources related to the IYD region. Excludes common resources and unique resources that are part of C07. It doesn't consider any resources of C06

Show resources in C06

Not in IYD and C07

Displays unique resources related to the C06 region. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of both the regions IYD and C07 

Show resources in C07

Not in IYD and C06

Displays unique resources related to the C07 region. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of both the regions IYD and C06

Show resources in


Not in C07 and C06

Displays unique resources related to the IYD region. Excludes the common resources and unique resources

that are part of both the regions C06 and C07

Show resources in C06 and C07

Not in IYD

Displays unique resources related to both the regions C07 and C06. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of IYD.

Show resources in C06 and IYD

Not in C07

Displays unique resources related to both the regions IYD and C06. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of C07.

Show resources in C07 and IYD

Not in C06

Displays unique resources related to both the regions C07 and IYD. Excludes the common resources and unique resources that are part of C06.

Show resources in C06, C07 and IYD

Leave it as a blank

Displays all resources under 3 regions


Finally, comparing resources will help to differentiate resource usage across different CICS regions.