Meet Sarah Julia Kriesch, an accomplished professional with a passion for Linux and an outstanding commitment to fostering collaboration within the technology community. She is a part-time Consultant and a part-time Post Graduate student in Computer Science at the Friedrich-Alexander-University. She is openSUSE Member and is contributing as a Release Engineer for the architecture s390x to openSUSE. She is also one Founder and Co-Chair of the Linux Distributions Working Group at the Open Mainframe Project. Sarah wants to bring all Linux Distributions together for achieving collaboration, better support (for all) and better solutions (for all usable) on the Mainframe.She is the Lead IT/OT Software Engineer at Accenture and she became a Champion last year!
With regard to IBM Products, Sarah's top pick is the IBM LinuxONE. Her admiration arises from its unique configuration that caters to all Linux distributions, allowing for seamless development across the board. As a leader in the Linux Distributions Working Group, Sarah aims for better Linux support and knowledge sharing among the community.For Sarah, community leadership and speaking engagements are the preferred forms of advocacy, and her driving force? -A desire for happy Linux users and contributors! She says. “Knowledge sharing is a benefit for all, and collaborating within the Linux community has got the result of effective work, shared experience which benefit everyone. Therefore, I am leading the Linux Distributions Working Group as an IBM Champion with the goal of achieving better Linux support - compatible with all Linux distributions, knowledge sharing between all Linux distributions and IBM, the same as educating new people within this area, that we can develop on our Linux distributions also in the future. That has got the result of happy Linux users of IBM zSystems and LinuxONE”.
Sarah takes pride in breaking the stereotype that Linux distributions can't collaborate. The Linux Distributions Working Group, led by Sarah, stands as a testament to the success achievable through community-driven efforts. She adds, “We are a role model for other Linux Distribution collaborations and support each other on the best way together with IBM. That represents the success of collaboration within the Linux community. Sarah envisions founding her open-source company, providing support for all Linux distributions, and offering consulting services for Linux on IBM zSystems and LinuxONE.
Catch Sarah at the IBM TechXChange in Barcelona and the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Germany. Her presence at the IBM Z Day is also a given, as always!
*Lightning Round:*
- *Superpower of Choice:* Communication and collaboration for optimal results.
- *Ice Cream or Cake:* Ice cream
- *Cats or Dogs:* Cats
- *Summer or Winter:* Summer
- *Morning or Evening:* Evening
- *eBook or Paper Book:* Paper book
- *TV Shows or Movies:* Movies
- *Night Out or Night In:* A night out (at conferences)
- *Pool Entrance Style:* Dip a toe in first
- *Go-To Karaoke Song:* None
- *Travel Preference:* Drive (if possible)
Sarah's journey as an IBM Champion reflects not only her technical expertise but also her dedication to creating a collaborative and thriving community within the tech industry.
Connect with Sarah in LinkedIn and Community page.