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Host File Transfer in HACP Extended Edition




Host File Transfer allows you to transfer files between your workstation and a zSeries or iSeries host. To enable this feature, the file transfer type should be chosen as ‘Host File transfer’ by the Administrator either through the Admin Console of HACP EE or using the Deployment Wizard.


Host requirements

The following are the pre-requisites to use the Host File Transfer option:

  • The zSeries host must run on MVS/TSO, VM/CMS, or MVS/CICS, and the Host File transfer must use the IND$FILE (SBCS).
  • The iSeries host must be running the Integrated File System (IFS) on OS/400 V3R7 or later. No additional software is required.
  • For a 3270 host, the user should log in to the session and the host should be in the ready state for transferring files whereas, for a 5250 host, the user should have established a successful host connection.

Steps to perform Host File Transfer

Follow the below steps to perform Host File Transfer.

  1. Launch a session and expand the Ribbon bar.
  2. Click on the File Transfer Menu option, and then choose either ‘Send File to Host’ or ’Receive file from Host’ to send/receive a single file.
  3. Specify a unique Host File Name to save the browsed file.
  4. Select the file to Send to host using the Browse button.
  5. Enter the Transfer parameters and then click ‘Send’ for sending the file to the host, or click ‘Receive’ for receiving the file from the host.



  1. The credentials or the transferred file details will exist till the session is closed.
  2. Users can Send/Receive a single file (either a Text or a Binary file) to the zSeries / iSeries host.
  3. Supported file formats are .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .txt files, with a file size limit of upto 100Mb.
  4. For a 3270 host, the user can input the file name that resides in the host or give a new file name. The host file name can be modified with a string length of 8 characters. The First character must either be an alphabet (A to Z) or a listed special character (# or $ or @). The remaining characters must be either alphabetic or a listed special character (# or $ or -).
  5. For a 5250 host, there is an additional option to Browse the host file upon successful login to the IFS file system.
  6. The default Transfer Mode is ‘Text’ and can be modified based on the file chosen.
  7. The default Transfer Option for the ‘Send file to Host’ mode is ‘ASCII CRLF RECFM(V) LRECL(133)’ for a 3270 host and ‘ASCII SRC CRLF LRECL(80)’ for a 5250 host, which can be modified as appropriate.
  8. The default Transfer Option for the ‘Receive file from Host’ mode is ‘ASCII CRLF’ for the 3270 host and ‘ASCII CRLF’ for the 5250 host, which can be modified as appropriate.



  1. The user can Send/Receive only one file in a single transaction. Multiple file selection is not allowed.
  2. The host file name for a 5250 host should follow the IFS naming convention. The QSYS naming convention is not supported.


For example,

If the local file name is “demo.txt” and the defined host file resides inside ‘QGPL.LIB’ then, the host filename path for the member file would be “/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/TEXT.File/Demo.MBR”.

If the file should be as a text file, then add “/demo.txt” in a directory.

Mahaswathi K