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Installing OMEGAMON products with JOBGEN – a step-by-step guide



Job Generator (JOBGEN) is a utility that generates the necessary installation jobs for OMEGAMON products that use Tivoli Management Services on z/OS. It is delivered in the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tool component of the Tivoli Management Services on z/OS. The JOBGEN utility facilitates new product installation and can also be used to create a new SMP/E environment.

How does it work?

JOBGEN can be invoked by launching SMP/E target library TKANCUS and choosing option 2. It is based on interactive ISPF panels and generates SMP/E and product installation jobs, depending on the values that you provide.

JOBGEN facilitates SMP/E environment creation and product installation because it automatically tailors the jobs using the values that you provide in the ISPF panels and reduces manual job tweaking to the minimum.

Useful features

If you are creating a totally new SMP/E environment, JOBGEN creates a set of jobs to define an SMP/E environment (that is, CSI and supporting data sets).

If you are installing additional products to an existing SMP/E environment, JOBGEN also creates a job to scan the existing environment and evaluate SMP/E target and distribution data sets for adequate space to install new products. This space analyzer function is very helpful in avoiding X37 abends during APPLY and ACCEPT processing.

Step-by-step guide

Even though JOBGEN is quite intuitive and easy to use, questions and common mistakes arise from time to time. Therefore, we have created a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use JOBGEN in two different scenarios:

  • Create a totally new SMP/E environment and install a few products to it
  • Use an existing SMP/E environment and install additional products to it

The guide can be found here: JOBGEN Utility

For additional information about JOBGEN, refer to Program Directory for IBM Tivoli Management Services on z/OS 6.3.2 and built-in PF1 help in the JOBGEN ISPF interface.