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IBM Wazi Developer brings modern z/OS application development IDEs to you


Are you looking to improve the efficiency and productivity of z/OS® application development to reduce time to market? IBM® Wazi Developer for Red Hat® CodeReady Workspaces (IBM Wazi Developer), a cloud native solution for z/OS application development, helps you achieve the goal with 3 modern IDE options to enable you to develop COBOL, PL/I, High-Level Assembler (HLASM), JCL programs with an industry-standard integrated development environment (IDE):

IDE Type Platform
IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces In-browser IDE Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces
IBM Wazi Developer for VS Code Desktop IDE VS Code
IBM Wazi Developer for Eclipse Desktop IDE Eclipse

With the modern IDEs, developers unfamiliar with Red Hat® and IBM Z® can get up to speed quickly and become productive in developing and delivering applications. The key features of these IDEs are as follows with slight differences:

  • Modern editors for COBOL, JCL, HLASM, and PL/I that provide language-specific features such as syntax highlighting, outline view, declaration hovering, code completion, snippets, copybook preview, copybook navigation, and basic refactoring.
  • Source code management (SCM) integration to enable integration with any flavor of Git, a popular and modern parallel development SCM.
  • Intelligent build capability that enables developers to perform a user build with IBM Dependency Based Build for any flavor of Git.
  • An integrated debugger to facilitate COBOL and PL/I debugging through IBM z/OS Debugger.
  • Integrations that enable developers to work with z/OS resources such as MVS™ and UNIX files and JES jobs.

IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces

IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces provides a modern experience for mainframe software developers working with z/OS applications in the cloud. Powered by the open-source projects Zowe and Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces, IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces offers an easy, streamlined on-boarding process to provide mainframe developers the tools they need. Using container technology and stacks, IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces brings the necessary technology to the task at hand.

After the cloud operations administrator of your organization completes the installation, each z/OS application developer on the team can create a workspace with a single click. Then, the z/OS application developer can edit, build, and debug mainframe applications from any machine without any local environment configurations.IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces environment

IBM Wazi Developer for VS Code

IBM Wazi Developer for VS Code extends the functions of VS Code to provide z/OS developers with a familiar and straightforward edit, build, and debug experience. IBM Enterprise language support in VS Code makes enterprise programming more attractive and productive by allowing developers to use this popular editor, with the option to integrate numerous other extensions from the VS Code Marketplace. 
IBM Wazi Developer for VS Code environment

IBM Wazi Developer for Eclipse

IBM Wazi Developer for Eclipse opens the door to a platform-neutral, continuous integration and deployment pipeline that includes z/OS application components. It is a starter tool set for z/OS development teams who plan to transform and unify their software delivery practices around modern source code management systems such as Git and IBM Engineering Workflow Management. It also provides an Eclipse-based common workbench and tools for plug-in development environment.

In addition to the key features above, you can integrate with IBM Z Development and Test Environment. 

IBM Wazi Developer for Eclipse environment

To learn more about these modern IDEs, visit the IBM Wazi Developer product page.