2. Why Wazi Workspaces?
It's getting hard to recruit z/OS professionals and the learning curve of new z/OS developers is steep. By modernizing z/OS development with Wazi Workspaces that is platform-agnostic, new z/OS developers can quickly onboard z/OS development.
With Wazi Workspaces, you can also innovate Z applications flexibly, respond to business needs quickly, and then accelerate time to market to stand out.
3. What is the Sandbox capability in Wazi Workspaces and its difference from existing IBM Z Development and Test Environment (ZD&T)?
The Sandbox capability enables you to self provision z/OS runtimes and databases and provides a fully virtual z/OS environment that enables development and testing of z/OS applications on OpenShift running on x86 hardware.
The Sandbox capability is a subset of ZD&T that allows developers to get a personal, containerized, and virtual z/OS environment on Red Hat OpenShift. If you already have ZD&T, you can use it in conjunction with the Code capability of Wazi Workspaces.
4. What is the Code capability in Wazi Workspaces and its difference from existing IBM Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition (IDzEE)?
The Code capability offers essential mainframe development capabilities including edit, build, and debug mainframe applications with the IDE of choice: Microsoft VS Code, Eclipse, and Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces (technology preview).
The Code capability is a subset of IDzEE that provides a cloud native development experience for z/OS. If you already have IDzEE, you can use it in conjunction with the Sandbox capability of Wazi Workspaces.
For more information about Wazi Workspaces, see its Marketplace and Knowledge Center.