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JN Data sharing their experience with Configuration Manager


About JN Data A/S

JN Data is a Danish IT company focused on the delivery of IT-operations and infrastructure to the financial sector. The company is owned by Jyske Bank A/S, Nykredit Realkredit A/S, BEC, Bankdata and SDC and has around 670 employees. In Denmark JN Data has locations in Silkeborg and Roskilde, and besides that the company have around 180 IT consultants in Poland.

Configuration Manager

IBM Z Monitoring Configuration Manager is the strategic tool that configures an OMEGAMON runtime environment from a set of parameters that you specify. Configuration Manager is considered the successor of the Parameter Generator (PARMGEN).

JN Data testimonial

Listen to this video from Elmira at JN Data on her Configuration Manager experience compared to their previous experience of using PARMGEN.



As you have heard from Elmira, Configuration Manager lives up to the promise to reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for configuration and maintenance actions, as well as the fact that it drastically simplifies the configuration process for your OMEGAMON monitoring agents. 

So, what are you waiting for? Use Configuration Manager today!