IBM Z Global Student Hub - Group home

IBM zSystems at the UANL

It fills me with joy to have achieved my first event in person as an ambassador, I can not describe the excitement with a little nervousness I felt before going on stage and speak, but when something really longs to be overcome!
The event was held on September 23rd at 12 pm at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León with a total attendance of 100 students.
During the event I started by telling them about my experience in the program, and then I explained what IBM is and what Your Big Year is. Then what it means to be an IBM zSystems ambassador, followed by the benefits offered. Moving on, I explained what the IBM zSystems Global Student Hub is and invited them to register with the QR code. I then invited them to the IBM Z Xplore with the QR code, giving as the tagline "If you like games, code and challenges.... THIS PLATFORM IS FOR YOU". Once they were encouraged with the IBM Z Xplore, I gave them the news and invited them to participate in the IBM zStudent Contest, I explained that they can apply the acquired knowledge they can apply it to learn more and win!
Finally, I showed them how they can apply to be part of the program!

I can't wait to organize the next one!