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With A Great Experience: My Z Ambassador Journey


Being an IBM Z Ambassador is more than just a chance; it's a remarkable experience that you can take with you wherever you go and share what you've learned with others.

I'll never forget the day Your Big Year emailed me to inform me I'd been chosen as a z ambassador. I can't believe I was selected out of so many applicants. I was very motivated and excited that day. Because I was the only Filipino among them, I was initially too embarrassed to introduce myself. However, seeing other ambassadors from different countries be so proud of their homelands makes me proud too. Apart from that, your Big Year Program Lead, Ms. @Rachel Head, extends her warmest greetings to us as friends and family. I did not feel that I was different from them.

IBM Z and Your Big Year expose and familiarize us not only with technical disciplines, but also with a plethora of opportunities and opportunities to meet other incredible and amazing  people like @Melissa Sassi, @Veronica Ho, @Lucas Sahn, @TYLER KING, @Hellem Pedroso and many more who can help us improve our skills and build our personal growth through industry events. I also learned a lot in our every weekly coaching sessions, despite the fact that the time in my country is much ahead of the time in our sessions, I have learned to be responsible for the time and to manage it properly. Thanks to Rachel Head and @Collins Ronoh for mentoring us throughout our z ambassador journey, not just in each session. 
I'm also grateful to my fellow z ambassadors because,although I don't speak with them much, I learn from them and am inspired by their various stories, and they give me the courage to step outside of my comfort zone.

And as our last days of being z ambassador is approaching, I can say that I am very proud and honored that I became part of this. It allowed me to be more active and consider this as a  great opportunity that  made me grow as individual and  strengthens my skills and personality that apply to the real world.
I'll never be ashamed to say that I'm proud to have been a part of this program. I'll share everything I've learned from this event, including the knowledge and wisdom I've obtained. Thank you Your Big Year and IBM Z for this amazing experience! Cheers for more and looking forward!

Lenith Pili
Z Ambassador



Fri December 10, 2021 06:27 AM

Very informative thank you!