Each month, z/Action! meets some of the world's most innovative companies as they share how they're expanding horizons and driving success with IBM Z. This month we welcome PKWARE’s Jason Dobbs and EJ Pappas. They’re here to discuss cybersecurity: how the threat landscape is shaping up with the onset of AI, and ways data threats are changing.
AI Has Entered the Chat and It's Shaking Up Cybersecurity
With the sudden onset of AI, data threats have changed and increased in velocity almost overnight. “This wave of change is going be a lot faster than some of the previous waves that have hit technology,” says PKWARE CTO Jason Dobbs. “It's important that everybody hits this head on, almost immediately.” PKWARE has used AI and machine learning for years. Listen and learn how PKWARE and IBM collaboratively protect sensitive data, and how you can begin to prepare for the latest round of oncoming threats.
Where to listen
For more information about IBM Z security, visit IBM security solutions on the web: https://www.ibm.com/z/security. To learn more about PKWARE security solutions, please visit their website, https://www.pkware.com, and the PK Protect product page, https://go.pkware.com/pk-protect-for-z/os_dra.
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