The V7.5.0 Fix Pack 3 level of monitoring for IBM MQ and IBM Integration Bus is now available. This level of OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS offers several improvements.
The enhanced 3270UI now includes more support for viewing messages on queues, including the dead letter queue, which are especially helpful for queues with lots of messages. The “MiddleN” option allows viewing messages given a starting position and the number of messages to display, which complements existing “FirstN” and “LastN” options to view the oldest and most recent messages on a queue.
While “FirstN” and “LastN” options existed previously in the enhanced 3270UI, Fix Pack 3 extends support for those options, and the new “MiddleN” option, to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) user interface. In TEP, there are now more links from workspaces that list queues in Queue Statistics and Queue Definitions, and for Dead-Letter Queue Messages. When you use one of the new links, TEP prompts you for the value(s) to use for “LastN”, “FirstN”, or “MiddleN” , and then displays the appropriate list of message headers for messages on the queue.
Both user interfaces include “FirstN” and “LastN” capabilities for viewing MQ events in the Event Log. With “LastN” displaying the most recent events in the Event Log, you can now be sure to see the very latest events recorded for a queue manager in the enhanced 3270UI, without adjusting the global timespan setting as required for other Event Log workspaces.
OMEGAMON for Messaging supports the enhanced 3270UI direct zoom navigation from situation events in the Events tab. The product-provided situations will zoom to an applicable workspace for IBM MQ or IBM Integration Bus situations. You can use the examples provided for those to customize the KMQSIT and KQISIT members to be able to use the zoom feature for your custom situations.
The Fix Pack 3 level includes several updates for workspace issues that occurred in both TEP and the enhanced 3270UI. Also, other application support objects have been updated for issues found since V7.5.0 became GA.
Other improvements made earlier this year are available when you move to this level of the monitoring agents:
- IBM MQ V9.2 is supported.
- For the IBM MQ monitoring agent, there is an optional new parameter USEPLEXNAME(NO/YES) on the SET QSG agent parameter statement in order to include the sysplex name in the managed system name used for a queue-sharing group, without a change to default behavior.
- For the IBM Integration Bus monitoring agent, data collection has changed to make smaller requests to the IBM Integration API and to request the most detail processing node data only on demand as per a user interface query, in order to avoid processing large amounts of data all at once for large brokers. Users who previously had to set the agent parameter defaultCollectNodeData to “NO” may now set it to “YES” with this change.
The Fix Pack 3 level set for v7.5.0 of IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS is available via the following APARs (PTFs):
- OA60385 (UJ04533) – IBM MQ monitoring agent and enhanced 3270UI support
- OA60386 (UJ04585) – IBM MQ monitoring application support
- OA60387 (UJ04584) – IBM Integration Bus monitoring agent and enhanced 3270UI support
- OA60388 (UJ04583) – IBM Integration Bus monitoring application support