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z/OS Connect 3.0.75 is now available with z/OS application support for API requester, PL/I z/OS Asset support, z/OS Connect Designer notifications and a new migrating topic to help move existing API’s to z/OS Connect server (OpenAPI 3) as part of the exte


We have released V3.0.75 of IBM z/OS Connect with a new migrating OpenAPI 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0 topic, numerous enhancements to z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3 and maintenance fixes (PH57249, PH57708, PH57209, PH52582) for z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 2 & OpenAPI 3). For more information, see PH57677: z/OS Connect V3.0.75 and if you’re new to IBM z/OS Connect, find out more here.  


Migrating OpenAPI 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0

The z/OS Connect documentation now includes a recommended manual migration process to help you move your existing APIs that are running on an IBM z/OS Connect server (OpenAPI 2), to an IBM z/OS Connect server (OpenAPI 3) without changing the exposed API.

The new migrating topic provides guidance on how to:

  • Identify which API’s to prioritise for migration.

  • Use the Catalog API that is provided as a z/OS Connect server template (sampleCicsIpicCatalogManager), to convert the existing OpenAPI 2.0 specification document to an OpenAPI 3.0 specification document.

  • Prepare and start z/OS Connect Designer, create your z/OS Assets and create and define the request and response mapping for each operation using the powerful mapping functions of JSONata. The topic contains example comparisons between the API Toolkit and z/OS Connect Designer mapping capabilities such as that shown in the DATE support image below.

  • When the request and response mappings are completed, the topic guides you through testing the migrated API by using the embedded z/OS Connect server within z/OS Connect Designer and the Open Liberty REST Client. The

  • Security considerations between z/OS Connect OpenAPI 2 and z/OS Connect OpenAP 3.

For more information, about the manual migration process that you can use to move your existing APIs running on an IBM z/OS Connect OpenAPI 2 server to an IBM z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3 server without changing the exposed API, see Migrating a CICS provider API from IBM z/OS Connect OpenAPI 2 to OpenAPI 3. For more information about z/OS native support for OpenAPI 3 being extended to Simultaneous-Instance license 5655-CE3, see the following blog.


  • z/OS Connect Designer is also enhanced to support the PL/I language when creating CICS and IMS z/OS Assets. For more information, see Importing CICS PL/I data structures and Importing IMS PL/I data structures.

  • The IBM z/OS Connect API requester Gradle plug-in is upgraded to V1.0.6 and enhanced to use the full operation ID for storing generated artifacts. The full operation ID is also now included as a comment in the generated API info language structure. For more information, see System requirements.

  • The version of Liberty that is embedded in IBM z/OS Connect is upgraded to V23.0.0.9. For more information, see What is new in this release of Liberty in the WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS Liberty documentation.


  • PH57249 - When building an OpenAPI 3 API requester using the Gradle API requester plug-in V1.0.4 on Windows, some of the Japanese messages are not displayed correctly. Messages up to BAQP0010I are displayed as expected, but messages from BAQG1023W and onward are not displayed correctly.

  • PH57209 - The abendCode field is not populated in the response from a CICS® z/OS Asset.

  • PH57708 - At V3.0.72.0 the z/OS Connect containerized images changed from using an IBM Java SE Runtime to an IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition Java. Many codepages that were provided with IBM Java SE Runtime are no longer available in IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition Java. This resulted in the reported error messages being issued. This issue affects both z/OS Connect Designer and server images, but does not affect the z/OS Connect V3 native server.

  • PH52582 - Message CWWKZ0005E is displayed when the z/OS Connectruntime attempts to start the IMS DB JDBC resource adapter, whether the IMS DB Service Provider is configured or not.

Get in touch

If you have any feedback on this blog article, the enhancements in this release, or anything else that is related to IBM z/OS Connect content and information, please go to the z/OS Connect community and post your feedback on the discussion forum.

Get started today

Use the links below to find out more, and to get started with IBM z/OS Connect V3.0.75 now!

What is z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3?

What is z/OS Connect OpenAPI 2?

Download V3.0.75 now

Download the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 3) Server and Designer

Install the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 2) server and API Toolkit

IBM z/OS Connect API provider Gradle Plugin

IBM z/OS Connect API requester Gradle Plugin

For more information about IBM z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3, find out more.