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z/OS Connect 3.0.74 is available with interceptor interfaces for API provider in OpenAPI 3 native servers to monitor and audit OpenAPI 3 requests in real time


IBM z/OS Connect V3.0.74 is available with enhancements to IBM z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 3) and maintenance fixes (PH51061, PH55316) for z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 2). For more information, see PH56974: z/OS Connect V3.0.74 and if you’re new to IBM z/OS Connect, find out more here.  


  • From today, OpenAPI 2 interceptor interfaces for API provider are now available in OpenAPI 3 native servers. This means you can now monitor z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3 requests in real time, capturing information as it is processed. With the development and integration of these interceptors, you will still be able to use the monitoring tools that suit your needs, or are currently using for OpenAPI 2 monitoring. For more information, see Using a real-time monitoring or transaction tracking product.

  • Additionally, the audit interceptor in the z/OS Connect native server can now be configured to capture SMF 123 subtype 1 V2 records for API provider. This allows you to harness a variety of analysis tools to interpret the information for tracking, audit, or billing purposes. For more information, see Using SMF records to monitor requests.

  • The IBM z/OS Connect API provider Gradle plug-in is updated to V1.3.0. For more information, see System requirements.

  • z/OS Connect (OpenAPI3) Documentation: The IBM z/OS Connect server image section of the documentation has been restructured to improve its usability and make the topics within the section easier to navigate. The IBM z/OS Connect server image section now consists of \Planning \Installing \Upgrading \Uninstalling and \APIs.

The \Planning section contains all of the planning tasks associated with the IBM z/OS Connect server image such as role-based access control (RBAC), disaster recovery, back up and restore and preparing for an offline (air gapped) installation.

The \Install (build and deploy a z/OS Connect API) section, now contains separate online and offline sub-sections so it’s easier to follow the installation procedure from start to finish without inadvertently switching from the online procedure to the offline procedure, and vice versa.

The \Upgrading topics, available for both online and offline (air gapped bastion host) deployment guides the user through upgrading an existing online or offline deployment of IBM z/OS Connect.

The \Uninstalling topic provides a how-to to uninstall IBM z/OS Connect by deleting the ZosConnect Custom Resource and the IBM z/OS Connect Operator.

Finally, there is a new \APIs section that details the custom resource definitions (CRDs) used by IBM z/OS Connect in a container environment. The ZosConnect/v1 CRD describes a z/OS Connect API deployment and this section details the ZosConnect/v1 spec.

To explore these new and updated topics for installing (building and deploying) the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 3) API’s, see IBM z/OS Connect server image.

PLEASE NOTE: Any bookmarks to content within “Installing z/OS Connect server” will need updating to the new “IBM z/OS Connect server image” topics.


  • PH51061 - The z/OS Connect file system logger interceptor output does not record the API path or query parameters.

  • PH55316 - The IBM z/OS Connect API Toolkit is updated to V3.3.0.2. When defining response code rules in the z/OS Connect API toolkit, the paths of eligible fields may be truncated (missing one or more segments) when the fields appear after nested arrays in the response JSON schema of the mapped z/OS Connect service.

Aqua 3.1 announcement

Support for Aqua 3.1 was withdrawn on 24th April 2023. For more information, see End of Support Announcement for Aqua 3.1. Users are encouraged to move to the latest Aqua 3.3 platform which is built on Eclipse V4.23 and Java 11.

Get in touch

If you have any feedback on this blog article, the enhancements in this release, or anything else that is related to IBM z/OS Connect content and information, please go to the z/OS Connect community and post your feedback on the discussion forum.

Get started today

Use the links below to find out more, and to get started with IBM z/OS Connect V3.0.74 now!

What is z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3?

What is z/OS Connect OpenAPI 2?

Download V3.0.74 now

Download the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 3) Server and Designer

Install the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 2) server and API Toolkit

IBM z/OS Connect API provider Gradle Plugin

IBM z/OS Connect API requester Gradle Plugin

For more information about IBM z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3, find out more.