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z/OS Connect v3.0.70: developing APIs in Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces with z/OS Connect Designer


We have released V3.0.70 of IBM z/OS Connect with enhancements for both OpenAPI 2 and OpenAPI 3 with enhanced JWT support for the IBM z/OS Connect API requester and how-to instructions for z/OS Connect Designer with Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.

The z/OS Connect Operator is updated to v1.0.6 and the API provider Gradle plug-in is updated to version 1.1.1.

For more information, see PH54460: z/OS Connect V3.0.70 and if you’re new to IBM z/OS Connect, find out more here.  


  1. New ‘how-to’ for z/OS Connect Designer with Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces. z/OS Connect Designer will run in any OCI compliant container platform and the Developing APIs section in the z/OS Connect documentation has been updated to include steps on how to create an IBM z/OS Connect API project with Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces. Note: this feature is dependent on Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator v3.6.0 or later.

    For more information see Creating and editing an IBM z/OS Connect API project in Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces. The image below illustrates how an application developer, or a team of application developers, can create and edit API projects in z/OS Connect Designer in Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces with source code management.

  2. IBM z/OS Connect API requester can now authenticate with a third-party JWT authentication server using two HTTP header API keys. For example: X-IBM-Client-ID and X-IBM-Client-Secret as required by IBM API Connect. Additionally, the z/OS application can optionally set custom HTTP header and custom request body parameter values to be sent on the request to a third-party JWT authentication server.  For more information, see Calling an API secured with a JSON Web Token (JWT)

  3. The IBM z/OS Connect API provider Gradle plug-in is updated to V1.1.1

  4. The IBM z/OS Connect Operator is updated to V1.0.6


Support for Aqua 3.1 was withdrawn on 24th April 2023. For more information, see End of Support Announcement for Aqua 3.1. Users are encouraged to move to the latest Aqua 3.3 platform which is built on Eclipse V4.23 and Java 11.

If you have any feedback on this blog article, the enhancements in this release, or anything else that is related to IBM z/OS Connect content and information, please go to the z/OS Connect community and post your feedback on the discussion forum.

Get started today

Use the links below to find out more, and to get started with V3.0.70 now!
What is z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3?
What is z/OS Connect OpenAPI 2?

Download V3.0.70 now

       Download the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 3) Server and Designer.

       Install the z/OS Connect (OpenAPI 2) server and API Toolkit

       IBM z/OS Connect API provider Gradle Plugin.

       IBM z/OS Connect API requester Gradle Plugin.     

For more information about z/OS Connect OpenAPI 3, find out more.