Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TMSz) OMEGAMON RESTAPI services have been enhanced as follows:
With the third update to the RestAPI are included in OA66384 / UJ95277.
Now you can now retrieve information about Take Action command definitions. Also when retrieving situation status information, you can now filter results by Origin Node (originnode) and Display Item (atomize). When using the expand parameter set to true, the name parameter is now required, and historical information is included in the response.
Then the fourth Shipment of the TMSz OMEGAMON RestAPI are included in APAR/PTF: OA66540 - OA66595 / UJ95435 - UJ95436.
With these you can now start/stop a situation via REST API. Also the REST API now supports filtering by Affinity ID. Now responses from a call to /api/v1/data can include all columns from the table when passing cols=*.
Then when querying a HUB, calls to /situations/status will additionally return information about RTEMS events.
A call to /situations/status?expand=true retrieves results for running situations only with these PTFs.
Lastly now SAMP and ATOM properties are added to the table and column definitions.
The Tivoli Management Services for zOS (TMSz) OMEGAMON REST API continues to get enhanced so customers can retrieve their needed OMEGAMON information in JSON format.